Example sentences of "[vb -s] with an [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 If there is a future beyond social democracy and state socialism , it lies with an alternative to pandering to consumerism and the status quo .
2 The course starts with an introduction to gold deposition and environmental considerations ; it then teaches how to use a goldpan .
3 6 gives an account of the classical statistical theories of rubber elasticity and polymer solutions and concludes with an introduction to the recent tube or tunnel theories of polymers associated with the names of de Gennes and of Edwards .
4 Endlessly , this pattern repeated endlessly , and the man could walk along and they 'd all be working , he just goes with an assistant to er repair broken threads .
5 The book opens with an introduction to materials , and discusses types of pastels , papers and grounds , and then there are two general chapters — Techniques , and interpreting the Subject .
6 The chapter opens with an introduction to the semiclassical theory of light-atom interactions and optical resonators .
7 The Eighth Book , Madrigali Guerrieri , Et Amorosi , opens with an apostrophe to the Emperor Ferdinand III to whom the book is dedicated : ‘ Altri canti d'Amor ’ .
8 The fact that families when one woman in six retires with an entitlement to a full basic pension , based on her own level of payments , speaks volumes .
9 Here the sequence begins with an instruction to a typical Californian housewife ( typical in all but name , that is ) , Oedipa Maas , to execute the will of a dead tycoon .
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