Example sentences of "[vb -s] with [art] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This tough and challenging rural course finishes with a series of hills , which seem to grow steeper and more demanding as the time to challenge them comes around .
2 Every training session starts with a series of health exercises .
3 Each LEA , each school and each agency needs to develop a strategic approach to staff development , involving detailed identification of training and development needs with the staff as a whole and with each individual member of staff .
4 The installation 's theme explores the relationship between creativity and evil , and concludes with a pair of collection boxes for victims of violence placed on either side of an amateur portrait made by a murderer .
5 The project extends into the early part of the fifth year , which concludes with a series of industrially-oriented modules using innovative teaching methods .
6 The exhibition ends with a series of engravings of dismantled bicycles and broken violins fragments of our civilisation to be discovered by the archaeologists of the future .
7 Five-volume project ends with the works on paper
8 It opens with a pair of agonised cries of ‘ Michael ’ , an emotive outburst made doubly poignant when one remembers the life-long devastation that the premature death of Howell 's nine-year-old son , Michael , had inflicted on the composer .
9 The novel opens with a series of quotations from well-known works of European literature loosely strung together with third-person narrative .
10 The longer one opens with a series of petitions in which the meditator prays for grace to serve God with his whole being .
11 Since then Dr Clarke , who travels with a pair of burly minders , has avoided doorstep campaigning preferring to communicate via BNP leaflets and press releases issued in his name .
12 The project 's progress now rests with a series of meetings being scheduled to take place between Christo and politicians of various parties in Bonn this month , when he will be marshalling his legendary powers of persuasion and hoping to win new friends .
13 the data from the source file tallies with the data in LIFESPAN .
14 CAMPAIGN comes with a series of ready made scenarios , made up of 16 Simple Campaigns with about 30 vehicles involved , plus 4 Average Campaigns ( including a Battle of the Bulge ‘ extract ’ ) , to the main event — 5 Complex Campaigns , which include two day scenarios , and a Kursk battle featuring over 3000 tanks and other armoured vehicles ! ! !
15 3.30 : Training begins with a series of yoga , aerobic and stretching exercises supervised by his martial arts instructor Walter Johnson .
16 Meiosis begins at puberty in the male , and is an integral part of spermatogenesis , a process which begins with a series of mitotic divisions in the spermatogonia .
17 Training always begins with a series of building-up and loosening-up exercises .
18 He started the Haslam engineering works with a staff of twenty and by 1871 he was able to repay the loan from his uncle and later dissolve the partnership with his father , leaving himself in sole charge .
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