Example sentences of "[vb -s] that she [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She insists that she must speak to you . ’
2 Paula says that she would love to have children but has n't yet found the right man to have children with .
3 As far as other firms facing financial difficulties are concerned , she says that she would advise them to consider IVA at an early stage .
4 If the scheme had not been available Renshaw says that she would have considered giving up work , which would have been difficult , or considered some other form of childcare , but it was never really necessary to consider the alternatives because of the availability of the career break scheme .
5 ‘ Miss Hatherby says that she can write to the principal of her college when I 'm in the sixth form and see if they can give me a place , ’ Constance said casually when they were sitting on the lawn one afternoon .
6 An introductory note says that she used to read prayers very slowly with frequent pauses , which led almost instantaneously to prayer .
7 Just shows that she can do it
8 And and people say it 's sometimes the only er money tha that a mother wo gets that she can call her own and and use in the way that she wants to .
9 Foresters ' Hall In a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to Mrs. Burden of Juniper Green Primary School 's Board she states that she will do her utmost to ensure that the site retains its present planning use .
10 Foresters ' Hall In a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to Mrs. Burden of Juniper Green Primary School 's Board she states that she will do her utmost to ensure that the site retains its present planning use .
11 Fears that she would interfere with the Kunsthalle or the Museum für Stadtgeschichte have proved groundless .
12 She is looking for critical views against which to pitch her own ; it seems that she may have chosen the wrong sort of topic , since on a holiday in Italy she had been stunned by the newly renovated Michelangelo ceiling in the Sistine Chapel in Rome , and although there were plenty of books about it , many of them went into extravagant detail .
13 She 's been through that process once , and it seems that she 'll stay immune to further absorption .
14 Marjorie , however , feels that she must put in an appearance downstairs , however token , before he leaves for work , and there is a sense in which Vic understands and approves of this gesture .
15 She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do .
16 ICI stipulates that she must work a certain number of days a year to keep in touch .
17 Thomas seems however to contradict himself in this matter , presupposing elsewhere that orders relate to the body , as when he writes : ‘ Since in matters pertaining to the soul woman does not differ from man as to the thing , … it follows that she can receive the gift of prophecy and the like , but not the sacrament of Orders . ’
18 This means that she can throw out the eggs of her nest mates , but they have little chance to throw out hers .
19 And she admits that she would hate to live the kind of life he does — that of a frightened recluse .
20 Rainbow admits that she 'd find it just a bit too cosy .
21 He repeatedly says he believes that she will lead the Conservatives into the next election and emerge victorious .
22 But with the resurgence in business , those who are left are having to work long hours to ensure that the quality of service to clients is not affected , and she believes that she will have to start recruiting again before long .
23 Maritz is not returning to the L.P.G.A. She will play in Europe again next season , by which stage she believes that she will have gathered sufficient experience to fix her sights on America .
24 She believes that she will gain comfort and security for the rest of her life .
25 Her friendship with President George Bush is reflected in her interest in what takes place on Capitol Hill , and her wonderful skill at public speaking suggests that she might take up politics .
26 She knows that she ought to ring her mother , that there is still a faint possibility that she might ring her mother , but that possibility is already fading , and as the admonitory red glare of the clock clicks silently to 20.20 it gasps and dies within her .
27 Mitch seems to be the ideal person for offering her this but Blanche knows that she will have to lie about her past to gain his affection .
28 From last year 's figures , the retailer knows that she can expect sales to drop in late February , but to begin to climb again at the end of April .
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