Example sentences of "[vb -s] that they are [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He concludes that they are suffering from fame displacement reversal syndrome , and hints that he had a pretty bloody awful childhood himself .
2 Although the user thinks that they are deleting the material they are only really removing them from the current display list — all the text and graphics are still being held in the file .
3 Precise figures are hard to come by , because many European discount chains are privately owned , but no one doubts that they are taking a growing share of the $140 billion or so that Europeans spend on food each year .
4 Er two points , one comes onto environment for Mr who says that they are seeking for the environmental benefits to the A sixty one and relates something to the percentages .
5 Strathclyde 's spokesman says that they are acting in loco parentis , in place of the parent , but whereas many parents will happily take children hillwalking or boating without training , the council insists on trip leaders having proper qualifications .
6 The most frequently visible research is into the size and composition of the audience for specific programmes and commercial breaks , as a guide to the planner in selecting spot times and in evaluating what the schedule has achieved ; there is also research into the viewing patterns of the TV audience , to provide the basic data from which cumulative audiences and viewing frequencies can be calculated ; and research into audience behaviour and attention — when the research says that they are watching your commercial , what are they actually doing ?
7 She says that they are causing damage and disruption .
8 This , of course , assumes that they are rewarded on this basis as well .
9 Furthermore , this Convention also requires that acceptance of the right or obligation by the third party organisation be in accordance with its constitutive rules , which again assumes that they are binding on the organisation , although contained in a treaty to which it is not a party .
10 Gollancz confirms that they are reprinting 20,000 copies with the deletions .
11 However , even a rudimentary enquiry into the problems discussed above shows that they are connected in obvious ways .
12 To think they are , shows that they are governed not by the Spirit but by the attitudes and outlook of their unregenerate days ( 3:1,3 ) .
13 Analysis of the recordings made from Aplysia motor neurons following sensory stimulation shows that they are responding both directly , monosynaptically , and polysynaptically , by way of interneurons .
14 This reveals that they are made up of thin lamellae , often lozenge shaped , sometimes oval , about 10 to 20 nm thick , depending on the temperature of crystallization .
15 So an insistence on the importance of principle in no way denies the value of experience or customary practices but simply requires that they are subjected to evaluation , and not just taken on trust .
16 How can my right hon. Friend help to allow my younger constituents personal access to such people , so that they can talk over with them the art forms that they are seeking to promote ?
17 He recognises that they are boasting when they talk .
18 COUNTRY pubs are thriving in East Anglia despite Consumers ' Association fears that they are disappearing .
19 The pioneering scheme , run by Age Concern Cleveland , provides escorts for elderly people in the hospital 's accident and emergency department and ensures that they are settled at home after discharge .
20 The Japanese influence is also noticeable : hardly surprising , since it seems that they are saving the land from its current fathers , British Coal and the English .
21 It seems that they are designed and marketed to challenge the world 's top players to the extreme .
22 The authorities need not follow his recommendations , but like his counterparts in England and Wales , he has powers to cap their Community Charge levels if he judges that they are overspending .
23 Now , it appears that they are to take great pride in the fact that we are spending more on public services , and it is right to acknowledge that .
24 These two clauses could have been separated at " library " but the semi-colon indicates that they are linked and that the second explains the first .
25 As Zachar ( 1982 ) has described , the poor cohesiveness of loess soils , due to the paucity of binding colloids , means that they are characterised by high erodibility which is made worse by leaching that rapidly removes cations like calcium and magnesium .
26 Objectives are usually very general to begin with , and the non-directive nature of the work means that they are defined as the work goes on .
27 These verbs are very similar in sense , but it can be maintained that they are not quite synonyms , because shut focuses on the completion of the event , and so suggests an abrupt momentariness which chimes with click.6 In [ 9 ] , the separation of the " shutting " and " clicking " in two clauses means that they are conceived of as separate , though simultaneous events .
28 The delay in placing children in Total Communication programmes frequently means that they are seen as ‘ failures ’ , both by parents and by themselves .
29 A limited number of ISE member firms are registered market makers in options , which means that they are required to make a market in classes of ISE listed traded options .
30 Bruised knuckles can be bandaged and this , together with the mitt , means that they are cushioned sufficiently to allow punches to be used .
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