Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [num] per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 The Local Government and Housing Act , which came into force in April 1990 , prevents local authorities from subsidising their rents and insists that 75 per cent of the product of sales goes to pay off housing revenue account debts .
2 The survey also says that ten per cent of the county 's companies think the market will actually contract in the next six months .
3 It assumes that 10 per cent of the gaseous and volatile fission products are released from a 1000 MW(e) nuclear reactor as a cloud of radioactive material .
4 The report warns that 85 per cent of mudflats and surrounding salt marshes and dunes have been damaged by human activities .
5 Thus for the last decade the report envisages that 25 per cent of new building should be for replacement ; at such a rate the demand for greenfield sites might fall .
6 EEC referendum shabbily confirms that 67 per cent of us say Yes .
7 A study from a village in Bangladesh shows that 16 per cent of its families owned 55 per cent of the cropped land , and 46 per cent of the cattle .
8 Basing her analysis on data from a large-scale , representative sample of women and men at the age of 23 , she shows that 16 per cent of single working-class men and 22 per cent of single working-class women were living with kin at the time of the survey .
9 Research shows that 85 per cent of all franchised small firms succeed .
10 The survey , commissioned by GMB Scotland , shows that 42 per cent of Scottish households do not have a car and that a majority of the Scottish population are either totally or partially dependent on public transport .
11 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
12 Experience shows that 80 per cent of HIV cases will go on to develop Aids , on average within eight years .
13 Indeed , the probability is ( one survey shows that 41 per cent of people name speaking in public as their greatest fear ) that just under half of them do not enjoy presenting .
14 Anderson 's analysis of Preston 's immigration patterns , as revealed by the mid-nineteenth century census returns , shows that 70 per cent of the population were born outside the town .
15 Another study reported by the Equal Opportunities Commission ( address on page 146 ) in their book Carers and Services , which compares the situation of men and women looking after dependent elderly relations , shows that 59 per cent of all carers are women .
16 The joint report shows that 49 per cent of nurses in Northern Ireland say there are empty posts in their workplaces .
17 An opinion poll conducted by MORI for the Labour Party shows that 12 per cent of Conservative voters would be fairly or very likely to switch parties if the Government goes ahead with its plans , Mr Cook said .
18 AA research shows that 64 per cent of motorists use their cars for this purpose -among them , semi-skilled and unskilled workers for whom the car is an absolute necessity .
19 ** A report by Scottish National Heritage , English Nature and the Countryside Council for Wales shows that 25 per cent of the area of the UK 's sites of special scientific interest ( SSIs ) have been severely damaged by acid fallout from power stations , industry and vehicle exhausts .
20 The survey reveals that 7 per cent of ancient woodland has been clear felled , mostly for agriculture , and that a further 38 per cent has been replanted with conifers .
21 It also reveals that 18.9 per cent of households , 434 in all , are made up of people who have retired to the Dales and of these some 54 per cent previously lived outside Yorkshire .
22 It reveals that 75 per cent of the British population wants a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty .
23 The report reveals that 88 per cent of women , if travelling alone , would not use the train at night , 83 per cent would not use the bus and an amazing 46 per cent would rather not use a taxi .
24 Although the new capital is selectively marketed by the company through its issuing house ( the financial institution , usually a merchant bank , which has been employed to organize the placing ) to its clients , the Stock Exchange still requires that 25 per cent of the total shares be with the general public .
25 Baldwin ( 1954 ) states that 42 per cent of Mexico had ‘ accelerated erosion ’ and so on , although as section 1 of this chapter suggests , it is difficult to know how to gauge the significance of these figures except in a general and qualitative way , which indeed may be sufficient .
26 Even the Commission acknowledges that 10 per cent of the EC 's annual budget — about £3 billion — is still being lost in fraud ; it is a point the British will not forbear to mention now that they are being asked to pay an extra £1 billion per year into EC coffers .
27 It recognises that 100 per cent compliance is the goal and will continue to strive to make this the minimum requirement wherever it operates .
28 Klaus Schubert , technicaldirector at MAN , says his company would like to see it reduced to 0.02 per cent , but recognises that 0.05 per cent is a more realistic level .
29 Green Fields , Grey Future , finds that 80 per cent of farmers received less than 10 per cent of the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) budget in 1990 ; 37 per cent of the budget went to a small number of large industrial farms , with the rest of the money being spent on storing and disposing of surplus farm products .
30 He considers school background and finds that 33 per cent attended one of the so-called Clarendon Schools ( Charterhouse , Eton , Harrow , Merchant Taylors , Rugby , St Paul 's , Shrewsbury , Westminster , Winchester ) , while 70 per cent attended Oxford or Cambridge Universities .
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