Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [pers pn] may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His son has gone off to London , and he worries that he may lose touch with him .
2 She thinks that we may have sent her too many book tokens , ‘ but ca n't check .
3 Glanville Jones thinks that they may go back to pre-Roman times in many cases ; June Sheppard has shown that the estate at Marden in Herefordshire , which has Roman settlements , a Saxon palace site , and a ninth-century minster on the site of the initial burial of St Ethelbert , was almost certainly the estate attached to Sutton Walls , the pre-Roman hillfort in the area which was reoccupied in post-Roman times ( Fig. 77 ) .
4 The laird of Balfunning wanted a tide waiter 's place for his son , but Buchanan was clearly not prepared to settle for promises , for he ‘ insists that he may see his son 's commision before the election ’ .
5 That is absolutely contrary to the constitutional position that Parliament can alter an Act previously passed , and it can do so by repealing in terms the previous Act — Mr Hill agrees that it may do so — and it can do it also in another way — namely , by enacting a provision which is clearly inconsistent with the previous Act .
6 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
7 You notice in that quotation that Adams says that they may study so and so .
8 Digital Equipment Corp realises that it may have been a little hasty in taking its toys away in a huff , and has returned to the Technology Plc fold by re-appointing the Warrington-based company as a value-added reseller for predominantly desktop and server products : DEC withdrew its business , when Technology was acquired by ICL Plc in July 1992 ( CI No 1,966 ) ; Technology has now joined DEC 's Corporate Reseller Programme , and , according to DEC UK 's director of complementary solutions organisation sales , Ian Smith , the company is expected to ‘ play a key role in our increasingly value-added reseller-led product selling strategy ’ .
9 NCube Inc , one of the small band of sturdy massively parallel processing pioneers , reckons that it may need to crash the entry price of its machines to popularise the concept , and last week announced the nCube 2E series , starting with just eight and going to 128 of the company 's proprietary processors , with an entry price of $30,000 .
10 Most of this form of DNA is confined to actively transcribed genes , where Rich speculates that it may function to keep an appropriate distance between successive molecules of RNA polymerase .
11 The charges are not intended as a pollution tax per se , although the NRA acknowledges that they may cause some businesses to review polluting activities .
12 Their family fears that they may have been tortured to death or extrajudicially executed , or that they are still being held in incommunicado detention .
13 The Scheme ensures that you may make a claim for any lapse in service within the four specified guarantees .
14 She is looking for critical views against which to pitch her own ; it seems that she may have chosen the wrong sort of topic , since on a holiday in Italy she had been stunned by the newly renovated Michelangelo ceiling in the Sistine Chapel in Rome , and although there were plenty of books about it , many of them went into extravagant detail .
15 Sprague de Camp also says that the sharpness of the Tyrannosaurus ’ teeth hints that they may have eaten meat softened by decomposition .
16 She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do .
17 Third , Paul prays that they may perceive ‘ the extreme greatness of his power to aid believers , the very power that raised Christ from the dead of God 's right hand ’ .
18 When a healthy young man asks for employment and his employer wants to know whether his genotype indicates that he may die in his thirties or forties from Huntingdon 's disease , this is unfair .
19 Some exports are seen , and the pool of cheap labour and resources means that they may begin to pose a competitive threat .
20 They make their decisions on the basis of two pieces of information : the level of output Q and the associated tax liability T. This means that they may have an idea of the average tax price Q/T of such services .
21 On average , only 15 mites were found per thousand ants , but the researchers say that the mite 's habit of moving from one host worker to another , possibly because it quickly exhausts each host , means that it may have a greater impact on the colony than its apparent rarity first suggests .
22 This is unavoidable , but it means that you may get the impression that they are also used one at a time .
23 This means that you may get some help with the costs of :
24 It is generally worth having as much as 150mm of insulation in most homes , although the comparatively shallow depth of most ceiling joists means that you may have to lay the insulation across the tops of the joists to achieve the required thickness .
25 Most big banks make the same charges for club accounts as for ordinary personal ones — which means that you may have to pay up to 70 pence for every cheque you write .
26 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
27 The law provides that they may administer indoor relief ; they may not touch outdoor relief !
28 It would appear that he can do so , since section 14(1) provides that he may impose without apparent qualification limits on ‘ the maximum number of persons who may constitute it . ’
29 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
30 The similarity of their design to cup-and-ring patterns is striking and suggests that they may have had a ritual function .
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