Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she adds that past hazards to workers making contraceptives and detergents are a warning : ‘ In the past employers did not take the proper precautions .
2 No-one seriously questions that different parts of the cerebral cortex are specialized to carry out specific functions .
3 The survey concludes that illegal levels of pesticides are to be found in 70 per cent of the large Thames Water company 's supply zones , and throughout the supply zones of the smaller West Kent and Colne Valley companies .
4 But Dr Haritos-Fatouros , Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Thessalonika , concludes that such feelings of shared humanity are often not strong enough to override our obedience to authority .
5 It concludes that damaging levels of sulphur are deposited on 75 per cent of all European forestry , with the most severe impact occurring in those eastern countries which were once communist .
6 And although disagreeing in significant respects with Schwoerer , W. A. Speck concludes that significant inroads on the royal prerogative were made by the Revolution settlement , and that " the debate on the nature of the monarchy did end decisively in 1689 with the victory of those who argued that it was limited and mixed " .
7 For example , the extensive theory of review holds that all errors of law are jurisdictional .
8 Sir : If John Prescott thinks that higher taxes on motor vehicles , lower speed limits , charges for urban road use , cuts in tax perks for company cars , random breath testing , enforcement of parking restrictions , revitalised public transport and a general prejudice in favour of pedestrians , cyclists and public transport at the expense of cars will win the Labour Party votes , he 's darn right .
9 If the hon. Gentleman , who is a considerable expert in these matters , thinks that specific aspects of the law should be addressed , I shall be happy to hear from him .
10 Now loan redemption is a matter for the Government to decide ( at least as to minima ) , and presumably comes down to a judgement about how much the Government thinks that local authorities as a whole can afford to redeem in any year .
11 She thinks that more images of Black and Asian girls in the media would help to change some of the racist ideas and stereotypes that exist .
12 John Pople , like the rest of the quantum community , is conscious of the shortcomings of quantum mechanics and he thinks that exact solutions to the Schrödinger equation for many-electron systems are unlikely to appear for many decades .
13 According to Cyril Ray in his penetrating profile Bollinger ( 1971 ) , one house was spared and he records that fifteen years after the riots Madame Bollinger overheard a passer-by outside one of her windows say , ‘ That 's the Bollinger house , you know : we did n't touch it during the riots here — as a matter of fact , we lowered our flag to it when we passed ! ’ 'Probably the red flag , ’ Madame is supposed to have commented with pleased irony .
14 No one doubts that five bars of chocolate eaten for lunch is unhealthy eating .
15 First , no one doubts that papal letters from all the popes to whom the forgeries are attributed existed at Canterbury in 1070 and much earlier : they formed part of the quite substantial archival and literary remains which survived the fire of 1067 .
16 Despite the fact no-one doubts that popular opinions on crime and its containment are extensively and deeply held , whenever Criminal Justice Bills are before the Commons the atmosphere seems detached and wary , with few MPs participating and a majority keeping the subject at arms length .
17 Not many heads would go as far as one who insists that male members of staff must wear their jackets in classrooms even on the warmest of days .
18 The historicist position , Popper tells us , insists that any regularities of social life are dependent on historical changes in cultural life .
19 Though Craig and Jo have a number of sexy scenes together in Home and Away , she says the advantage of her real-life relationship with someone in the same industry is that her partner fully understands that romantic clinches with an international heart-throb are just part of the job .
20 The pupil understands that different units of length will produce different numerical answers for the same length .
21 7.2 The Proprietor further agrees that all charges for carrying out the Proprietor 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Proprietor and shall be deductible from payments due to the Proprietor .
22 7.2 The Company further agrees that all charges for carrying out the author 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Company and shall be deductible from payments due to the Company .
23 It will be the main task of Part Four of the book to explore the rationality of perfectionist moral pluralism , i.e. of pluralism of many forms of the good which are admitted to be so many valuable expressions of people 's nature , but pluralism which allows that certain conceptions of the good are worthless and demeaning , and that political action may and should be taken to eradicate or at least curtail them .
24 First , it allows that many kinds of circumstances can contribute to the course of events , and secondly it enables us to understand how these may combine to bring about dramatic and unexpected social changes which Althusser calls ‘ ruptures ’ .
25 ( 4 ) It happens that many systems of equations , particularly those of some physical relevance , have simple behaviour for extreme values of a parameter .
26 Daewoo Research Institute , a private think-tank , says that pre-tax profits for the 350 companies it analyses may jump by 14.3% in 1993 and 26.4% in 1994 .
27 The hon. Gentleman says that all parts of the House take that view .
28 Later , in a chapter entitled ‘ The Application of Paint ’ it says that recent books on decoration have ‘ done more to debase the traditional approach to decoration than to further an appreciation of its subtleties ’ .
29 Thus he says that many varieties of domesticated species , fancy pigeon breeds for example , are monstrous not adaptive ; they can only be maintained by artificial feeding and breeding , including selective breeding ; they are quite unlike wild , natural and adaptive varieties and even more unlike wild species .
30 He also says that transitional arrangements for federation could undermine the international recognition of the Greek Cypriot south .
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