Example sentences of "[vb -s] and [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They are also thinking too much about what counts and when you do that you are up the creek , and at the moment Gloucester have not got a paddle
2 the oppositions between authority and freedom , self-expression and self-control , and masculinity and femininity , are among the basic conflicts around which an individual 's life develops and that they cover his responses to a wide range of logically unrelated issues … they represent some of the earliest developmental crises through which each individual in this particular culture passes : the impact of parental authority ; the demand for self-control , first physical , later verbal ; and the establishment of a satisfactory sexual identity .
3 She can then control how many babies she has and when she has them .
4 ‘ You are a part of it , ’ he interrupted caustically , ‘ whether you like it or not , and at the moment you are the only friend Steve Cannock has and if you feel for him as you so often have claimed to you 'll be at his side when he needs you . ’
5 Something happens and immediately you change . ’
6 He says to me he says to me he 's , I 've been two or three time while he been int garden he says every time you come in here you lock your car , he says why you 're only int garden , I says well I 've lived round here for a lot of years , ha , I says and when you 've lived here long enough I says you 'll be locking your car every time you get it out .
7 Then she decided to be awkward , like she always is , and said I says oh it 's still taping you know and I s she said summat , I ca n't remember what it were now but I was saying , I knew that 'd happen , one minute yes then no , then I 'll think about it , I says and if I did n't start it when you went out you 'd be saying you could 've done this and that and er so she were chittering , pretending she said I could n't do it .
8 Ah you see here 's somebody who 's writing about , you know , her part of the erm the interest on an er on erm and it says and provided you have no other income er that would take you over your personal allowance register for on the Inland Revenue form R eighty five , interest with no tax deductions .
9 Crouch low before it arrives and when it hits drop your backside and push your bent legs out to take the strain .
10 It 's also a fact of life that it hurts and if anybody says it does n't , I do n't believe them .
11 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
12 And it goes and when it goes off you have ten seconds to get up at night then
13 that 's why she sort of snores and when she wakes up she 's coughing spluttering .
14 Unfortunately , the division of the test into whether a duty exists and whether it has been broken , means that the court will have to consider similar factors for both .
15 What lies behind these conceptions of content and object is the true idea that the nature of consciousness itself may not be different at all between the times when we think truly and when we think falsely , or when we want what exists and when we want what does not exist .
16 Somebody measures how the gas is distributed between the cylinders before the valve opens and after it closes , writes the results on two cards , and asks you to tell which card describes the earlier state and which the later .
17 details of any SPRs to which the SSR responds and whether it closes these SPRs or just replies to them .
18 I will do it even when it snows and when it rains .
19 As the price of computers decreases and as they become incorporated in a wide range of domestic goods , from cookers to calculators , the ordinary consumer is becoming a major purchaser of electronic gadgetry .
20 Essentially there are no revisions no revisions in expectations if if gamma equals zero right , this right hand side top here completely disappears and if you wanted t just leave the error turning then then any changes in expectations there 's no systematic behaviour .
21 Thus if a partner obtains a renewal of a lease of partnership property in his own name , he is not permitted to treat that lease as his own property to the exclusion of his co-partners while the business continues and before there has been a distribution of assets following a dissolution ( see Featherstonhaugh v Fenwick ( 1810 ) 17 Ves Jr 298 ) .
22 ‘ Everyone will be watching her to see what she does and although I do not think she is very fit , she has to be the favourite to win . ’
23 I mean just read round for fun yo and see if there 's anything that sticks and if you get chance to use it in an exam , do Okay , then it says develop a stock of gems .
24 I know from where it comes and where it wishes to get to .
25 But I 've ordered a navy blue skirt and I 'm praying it comes and if it comes it fits .
26 well he says he 'll tell me what he suggests and if it agrees with what I 've got I 'm a happy man are n't I .
27 The spontaneity which attends the structure of each number ( decided both before the music begins and as it proceeds ) is evident in the sheer sparkle of the music-making .
28 Erm the Aldershot method works or appears to work very well with structured thoughts the two merge together very well and erm again that 's the putting down on paper I did n't believe that had actually talk at all and yet it works and as you read it things come into the brain and when you combined all that with the coaching and you can see what you 're doing wrong the rest of it .
29 I mean , that just does n't happen , because you know and they know when work is good , and when it 's honest ; when it works and when it does n't … people know what they 're doing .
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