Example sentences of "[vb -s] the first [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And Ampex produces the first video recorder .
2 Our new size Journal represents the first format change since 1976 when the former tabloid paper became an A4 magazine .
4 Poet Software Corp reckons it has the first object database for NT ( CI No 2,176 ) , but Objectivity Inc is stomping at its heels with the Objectivity/DB Starter Kit for Windows NT , also claiming it to ‘ the first object-oriented database management system for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system ’ .
5 Poet reckons it has the first object database for NT , but Objectivity Inc is stomping at its heels with the Objectivity/DB Starter Kit for Windows NT , also claiming it to ‘ the first object-oriented database management system for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system ’ .
6 It has the first research information and library service to be registered to ISO9001 .
7 PRO says the first application binary interface specifications will be put before the PRO board in December , with beta tests scheduled for January 1993 .
8 The Tour has begun , and by evening we 'll know who wears the first maillot jaune .
9 Tuesday sees the first TV screening of the controversial film Jesus of Montreal — it 's on Channel Four , starting at 10 p.m .
10 The photograph shows the first lifeboat boat to be lifted in the new hoist , the Watson class Joseph Soar ( Civil Service No. 34 ) , as part of the proving trials by the contractors , Laings .
11 As he reaches the first solo stage , therefore , the pupil must either achieve a standard of flying which does not leave room for criticism , or he must learn to accept the particular instructor 's comments as fair and helpful .
12 But , as vinyl hits its final downward path , Tokyo 's Finail Technology company introduces the first laser turntable for vinyl discs .
13 His reading of the First Symphony is second to none and he includes the first movement exposition repeat .
14 In a narrow sense my main interest is the period in which the Kaiser ruled over Germany , which of course includes the First World War .
15 The X Business Group is going to throw what it calls the first industry conference for X Windows , GUE and client/server technology June 7-8 , just before Xhibition , at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose , California .
16 for direct processing the track index does not make it clear which records are in overflow and which in the prime data area ; this prevents the first overflow record being retrieved as quickly as is achieved in the two-entry index system — at least while it is the only overflow record .
17 Section 4 describes the wealth and asset return measures used and presents the first stage regression used to obtain instruments for expected returns .
18 In this way glycine becomes the first amino acid in the protein , being carried into position on the ribosome assembly line by its tRNA .
19 today this becomes the first railway shadow franchise , its operations hived off into a separate company ready to be sold .
20 At the centre of this system is a conventional closed.loop stepping motor control , in which a START signal changes the phase excitation pattern once and initiates the first motor step .
21 The firm of Longman claims the first dust jacket , on Heath 's Keepsake for 1835 .
22 The starting pulse also triggers the first delay circuit , which delays the pulse for a time , during which the motor moves to the first phase switching position .
23 When the number of steps to be executed is equal to the number of deceleration delay circuits the downcounter produces a pulse , which switches off the clock and also triggers the first deceleration delay , T1' .
24 Often at dawn the sky would be perfectly clear and the air had the crispness that heralds the first night frost .
25 The activity of this membrane enzyme thus provides the first control step in the prostaglandin pathway by limiting the availability of arachidonic acid substrate ( Figure 5.2 ) .
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