Example sentences of "[vb -s] on [to-vb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It goes on to argue that scientists do not know enough about natural fluctuations in fish populations in the wild to be able to advise on how many can safely be taken at any time .
2 Beck goes on to stress that teachers must become more politically aware and involved , that they should adopt a thoroughly interactive role with those whom they teach and that they " must be growing in social , moral and spiritual characteristics " ( 1990:50 ) .
3 The report goes on to say that clean-up policy has been made on political rather than scientific grounds and that " less than 1 percent of the $4,200 million spent each year on hazardous-waste sites in the US has been used to evaluate health risks at listed Superfund sites . "
4 The summary goes on to say that Stirling had asked the Eighth Army for thirty more jeeps that had already been ordered .
5 After the passage quoted just above concerning the esteem in which Molla Fenari was held and his place in the state , and before passing on to the next event in his life , namely his going on the pilgrimage in 822 ( 8 Dhu " l-Hijja = 26 December 1419 ) , Ibn Hajar writes that Molla Fenari became widely known for his erudition and that he was both pious and abundant in culture and merit " except that he was censured for [ espousing ] the sect of Ibn al- " Arabi and for the fact that he taught the and affirmed it " : he goes on to say that Molla Fenari , on the advice of friends , abjured mention of the subject in Egypt .
6 Taskopruzade quotes from his father these words of Hocazade 's : " At the time when I was at the Sultan medrese in Bursa I was thirty-three years old and loved nothing save Taskopruzade goes on to say that Hocazade used to take more pride in having taught at the Sultan medrese than in having been kazasker or Mehmed II's Hoca .
7 The editorial goes on to say that Harrods had a perfect right to remove from its windows a product which alienated the customers , just as the V&A had not really committed an act of censorship .
8 This stress on words is interesting , since Pseudo-Ulpian goes on to say that intention is so important in trusts .
9 He goes on to add that children of non-custodial fathers who maintain contact after divorce generally demonstrate the most positive post-divorce outcome .
10 The review goes on to suggest that Italians are responsible for the introduction of organised crime into the United States .
11 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
12 The argument runs on to suggest that movements within distributions are significant ( e.g. Gallaway 1966 ) and that any mechanism , like progressive as opposed to proportional taxation , that impedes the process needs to be considered in this light .
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