Example sentences of "[vb -s] been given [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Institute has been given legal advice to the effect that there is a possibility that the defence of qualified or absolute privilege might be available , but it would be up to the courts to decide and the only way of finding out would be a test case .
2 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
3 But already the decision has been given all party support in the House of Lords .
4 One example of an hypothesis which has been given serious attention in recent years is the possible link between electromagnetic fields generated by high-voltage power lines or supply cables and ill health .
5 Nurse Beverley Allitt who killed four babies has been given thirteen life sentences .
6 Nurse Beverley Allitt who killed four babies has been given thirteen life sentences .
7 Amid all the speculation about the future of our great Taoiseach , one issue has been given scant consideration : what is the quality of those who are being identified as his likely successors ?
8 Over the past year so much time and energy has been devoted to considering the implications of the new audit regulatory regime that investment business has been given scant attention by commentators and the profession alike .
9 Sometimes , however , a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change .
10 The evaluation of primary source material has been given increasing emphasis in recent years , most notably with changes such as GCSE or National Curriculum history .
11 ‘ This has been given much discussion and at the moment we have used all the available funds . ’
12 Platelet structure and its relationship to platelet function has been given tremendous impetus , through the application of electromicroscopy to the study of platelet anatomy and the development of techniques for isolation of physiologically active platelets and their preservation for ultrastructural study .
13 Protesters have vowed to carry on the demonstrations despite the fact the tour has been given tacit approval by the African National Congress .
14 In tropical countries the importance of maintaining the cold chain is recognised , but in temperate countries it has been given little attention until recently .
15 That possibility has been given greater prominence by subsequent development since T. 's mother has recently left this area and joined T. 's father in his new life in another county .
16 The Bill has been given extensive consideration in another place — a total of about 65 hours , including four days in Committee and three days on Report .
17 Another free kick has been given this time against big Mike Whitlow Lively start to the game and a lively start for the referee .
18 The very words ‘ modern art ’ still carry by themselves a charge strong enough to disturb , dishearten , or even repel , some before they 've read a line or listened to a note of whatever work has been given this label .
19 Another facet of the problem of rural services , which has been given considerable publicity in England , is the demise of the village retail store due to economies of scale and retailing and stringent food hygiene regulations .
20 Maintenance Manager — this role has been given considerable status in this example ; it could have been placed in a subordinate position to the Manufacturing Manager , where it is frequently to be found .
21 However , while the former has been given considerable attention by geographers ( summarized by Openshaw et al. 1989 ) there has been relatively little such work in the UK on the disposal of non-nuclear wastes .
22 ‘ Linking ’ and ‘ intrusive ’ are special cases of juncture ; this name refers to the relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precede and follow it , and has been given some importance in phonological theory .
23 This counter-argument has been given some recognition by the courts , in that the ‘ reasonable relationship rule ’ is no longer a rule of law .
24 On the other hand , we realise that professional clinicians coming to the book might remain unconvinced about some of our chosen examples , as indeed might those readers who only feel comfortable with terms like ‘ schizophrenia ’ when they are used in a sense that has been given medical approval .
25 Recently , however , it has been given added emphasis and urgency by the growing appreciation that the damage being done to the environment by the use of fossil fuels may require drastic restrictions on their use .
26 An environmental statement was required from the company it has been given full publicity I believe that the Planning Committee and County Planning Committee today have sufficient information to come to a decision an informed decision .
27 That in view of the foregoing considerations we ask you to ask the Masters " Association to delay any decision hurtful to the interests of women compositors until the women 's case has been given full consideration .
28 In Chalatenango , for example , AMES has been given full membership on the local government executive in recognition of the Importance of their work in mobilizing women .
29 Gary Gavin , who 's twenty-four , has been given three life sentences for a series of sex assaults on women , girls and young boys .
30 MP Michael Fallon has been given fresh hope that County Durham police may get extra officers .
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