Example sentences of "[vb -s] been [det] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There has been much criticism of the government 's housing policy , much of it from organisations outside parliament .
2 There has been much criticism of Morgenthau on the latter score , as we shall point out in a moment .
3 There has been much criticism of the overlap period , particularly in the afternoon .
4 Ever since this system was introduced there has been much criticism of the validity of basing the TDR on the profitability of the private sector , especially when used for non-commercial public sector evaluations .
5 There has been much discussion of the need to increase the speed at which new products are brought to the marketplace and a ‘ rugby team ’ in contrast to a ‘ relay ’ approach to project management has been suggested as a way of making faster progress ( Takeuchi and Nonaka , 1986 ) .
6 There has been much discussion of attempts to increase labour force " flexibility " and the rise of the " flexible firm " , although it is not always clear if this discussion is based upon descriptions , predictions or prescriptions .
7 There has been much discussion of recent SNP parliamentary tactics .
8 To a greater extent than with other mathematically-based research tools there has been much difference of opinion as to its relevance and utility .
9 Since Sherrington 's classic The Integrative Action of the Nervous System , there has been much talk of ‘ the integrative activity of the nervous system ’ , based upon the convergence of nervous pathways .
10 There has been much talk of comets , asteroids and exploding supernovae .
11 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
12 In Britain , to date , there has been little experience of union influence over selection amongst the technical and social options for information technology .
13 Even though various initiatives have been undertaken by way of the provision of guidance , there has been little knowledge of the actual practices employed within the nontrading segments of the public sector .
14 But so far there has been little sign of it .
15 So far , though , there has been little sign of anyone wanting to start a branch in London .
16 So far there has been little discussion of the superego for the simple reason that there has been little cause to mention it .
17 While putting sex back into politics , there has been little recognition of how appearance affects the politics of sex .
18 There has been little mention of this aspect so far , but it appears that Customs will be empowered to vary the terms by publishing a notice ; that indicates that it will be quite strictly enforced .
19 Since then , there has been little news of the orangs , other than that three are still in the research laboratory , and seven are in a cage at Bukit Soeharto .
20 But while there has been little analysis of the social relations of earlier , equally formal though smaller , or less formal and indeed informal institutions and associations , there ought to be some theoretical hesitation .
21 There has been little talk of America 's dependence on oil imports — or its missing energy policy .
22 Suspicions have sometimes been voiced that , whenever government has supported civic education , the reason has been that learning of this kind has been interpreted as supportive of a respectful attitude .
23 There has been more discussion of this phenomenon in relation to gender and race than age .
24 With the development of the NACAB policy of equal opportunities in recruitment there has been more awareness of this issue and considerable developments in recruitment practices have resulted .
25 Matters of town planning , of course , and all local land charges that are exempt from registration are the same as in unregistered conveyancing , and if there has been any development of the property you 'll need to satisfy yourself before exchange that formal town planning and by-law permits will be handed over or inspected on completion .
26 Whether or not there has been any history of violence , the association between the past and the present is bound to be significant in understanding present abuse within the family .
27 The length of that period depends on the seriousness of the punishment : where there has been any period of imprisonment between six months and thirty months , the conviction becomes " spent " after ten years have elapsed .
28 ‘ But if the lad has been any sort of problem in the past I still believe United will get the best out of him and put an end to his wandering .
29 Absent apparently has been any appreciation of the unfortunate historical precedent when Britain last linked her economic fortunes to those of another nation .
30 I have considered the matter and I shall continue to do so , but I do not believe that there has been any dereliction of duty in this important matter .
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