Example sentences of "[vb -s] show [that] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , research has shown that performance on these tests is unrelated to intelligence , at least above a certain minimum level of IQ , suggesting that they do tap something different .
2 Detailed research on road accident data for Edinburgh has shown that casualties per head of population in designated areas occur at rates considerably above the average for Lothian .
3 A survey by Liverpool University has shown that drowning in fishing nets is one of the commonest causes of dolphin and porpoise deaths in the waters around Britain .
4 Follow-up research has shown that 95% of all successful course members found at least hourly paid part-time teaching posts either after completion of the course or increasingly during the course .
5 Experiment has shown that mimicry in cuckoo eggs has evolved as a counter-adaptation to egg discrimination by hosts , which in turn evolved as a behavioural defence against parasitism .
6 Other research has shown that women with a confiding relationship are much less likely to become depressed .
7 The Ford Granada has shown that customers in this class prefer a separate luggage boot to the undeniably more practical hatchback .
8 AMID continuing controversy over plans to transfer civil service jobs to Scotland , there is cause for celebration in Glasgow over a success story which has shown that distance from Whitehall is no barrier to effective performance .
9 Hepatocyte function may also be affected indirectly during fibrosis ; recent research has shown that changes in matrix composition may reduce the size of fenestrae in endothelial cells .
10 A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture has shown that farmers in environmentally sensitive areas ( ESAs ) have become more interested in environmental issues since their introduction .
11 Monitoring of air pollution has shown that levels of certain pollutants in up to 20 Russian towns are as much as ten times above permitted maximums .
12 She said : ‘ Experience elsewhere has shown that people with head injuries need a concentrated level of service in the early stages .
13 Research on conformity has shown that individuals with higher levels of ability conform less to group norms than those with lower levels of ability ; individuals with strong relationship goals will identify with group norms more readily than those individuals for whom multiple , close relationships are not important ; highly authoritarian individuals conform more than less authoritarian individuals ; individuals who find it hard to ‘ see the wood for the trees ’ conform more readily than those who find it easy ; and individuals with strong structure goals conform more willingly .
14 Research has shown that savings of £1.5 billion could be made in the UK alone through a simple review of friction , lubrication and wear , with very little investment .
15 One study has shown that subjects with lower weight at 1 year have higher plasma concentrations of 32–33 split proinsulin in adult life .
16 In the United States research has shown that membership of a social class group predicts a shorter life expectancy and higher death rates from all diseases .
17 Moreover , the RAC 's own research has shown that cars in the UK are now dirtier than a year ago , despite tougher controls on emissions .
18 Its report used Department of Transport figures on average actual vehicle speeds to show that emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide could be significantly reduced , by 3.1 per cent and 4 per cent per year respectively , if speed limits were properly enforced .
19 The present study therefore does show that studies of publications , citations and consultations can produce results which are comparable with the less formal techniques of peer review .
20 All this goes to show that generalisations about foxes are meaningless .
21 Two fine , upstanding members of staff attend a Christmas party in the staff canteen , c.1971 — which just goes to show that Christmas in the National Library is not what it used to be !
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