Example sentences of "[vb -s] on to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was also , he said , ‘ already enough vehicular access points on to the common without more being introduced ’ he said .
2 A hole saw looks like a hacksaw blade curled into a circle and fits on to a twist drill ( typically 6mm ) and can be used with an electric drill .
3 The machine fits on to the tractor with Technorton quick hitch couplers .
4 Have at last worked out how it fits on to the trolley .
5 As soon as an assignment has been fully proofed it goes on to a list which is published every two months to all of the sales execs and you just look out for your number , all right ? and you 've got your own personal records of course , if you know you 've earned bonus then that 's where to claim it .
6 We ourselves have found that if a patient goes on to a diet which is relatively free from pesticides , herbicides and chemical additives , then often the homoeopathic remedies work much better than if the patient continues to eat an additive and junk-food-laden diet .
7 Failing to see this masked sign , a family out for a drive goes on to the crossing at the very same moment as a rare Leopold 's Toad , and runs it over .
8 it just goes on to the edge here .
9 It then goes on to the Shoulder of Mutton Hill , noted for its flower rich grassland .
10 The bungy cord is fixed to these and a safety rope goes on to the harness .
11 The left fork goes on to the village of Glenelg and in a field between the two roads a gaunt ruin will be noticed : this in its eighteenth-century heyday was the barracks occupied by Hanoverian troops .
12 It then goes on to the village of Colton and the Trent Valley .
13 A great inducement of ‘ start-ups ’ or ‘ green-field projects ’ , where the original investors are in on the ground floor , is that they will make a killing if the company one day goes on to the Stock Exchange , or is gobbled up by a predator in a takeover bid .
14 with primer on , spraying inside and the outside , taking off both the wings and bump bit where the bonnet goes on to the slam pan , got ta take the er the wings out , I mean the , the lights out anyway .
15 Well it 's a bit like that but instead of making it go round all the church it goes on to the tape .
16 Andrus just pops in to see Sesostris and they have a bit of a chat , not a long one , they do n't even have a cup of coffee , mean bastards , both of them , and then Andrus goes on to the Cashier presumably with Sesostris 's authorization and the Cashier takes the money out of the safe and gives it to him .
17 Possibly well no , cos they , because it then goes on to the rain in heaven , I was going to say , maybe send the rain
18 She comes back across the room , punches me playfully in the chest , then flops on to the sofa .
19 So the weaver rocks from side to side in the float as it is transported down the road , the cribber latches on to a fence post between mouthfuls of food , and the wind-sucker , out in a large paddock with other horses , may prefer to swallow air rather than eat the grass .
20 Ray Talbot 's solution is remarkably straightforward … on his own bottom drains , the cover pivots on to the sump , and is secured by a bayonet fitting — remarkably similar , I remarked , to the one that holds the lens of my camera in place .
21 This obviously adds on to the cost of your basic computer but if you are a small business it is n't an enormous amount .
22 But not going when you need to causes water absorption and hardening , and the longer the child holds on to a movement , the harder it will be — making the problem worse .
23 As long as a son holds on to the mother as a love-object he must ineluctably be in conflict with the father , just as , conversely , as soon as he accepts the paternal authority and identifies with his father to constitute his superego he must suppress his fundamental parricidal antagonism and with it his incestuous fixation .
24 The group passes on to the Bank names of members eligible for a loan .
25 Extrusive igneous activity is more commonly referred to as volcanism and occurs where magma erupts on to the surface either as flowing lava , or as fragmental material thrown into the air by explosive volcanic activity .
26 When a mite climbs on to a worker ant 's chin , it expects more than just a free ride ( photographed at about 20 times life size ) .
27 IN FIFTH Column 's version of Caryl Churchill 's Top Girls Pope Joan climbs on to the restaurant table , intones in Latin , crashes to the ground and is violently sick .
28 Then , making a soft purring sound she scattered a handful of maize kernels on to the ground in front of her and the hens stuck out their necks and stalked across .
29 This leads on to a discussion about the way in which new occupations associated with the new technology are likely to emerge .
30 The last point leads on to a discussion of how staff , volunteers and students are ‘ selected ’ for the scheme .
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