Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [adj] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It has been good for both business and charity : since its launch in late 1988 , more than 300,000 cardholders have been recruited , and an estimated £2 million has been donated to the Imperial Cancer Research Fund , the British Heart Foundation and Mencap .
2 It has been suggested above that , in view of the clear statement in the and the unsatisfactory nature of Mustakimzade 's argument , Turkish tradition has been guilty at least of inconsistency , if not of error , in doing so .
3 Female participation in sport has been negligible until recently .
4 That is why , to date , food has been available through only a limited number of channels .
5 In most languages with writing systems alphabetic fingerspelling has been available for over two hundred years .
6 Demand for the new product , which has been available for around a year under MS-DOS , is apparently spiralling with orders received so far from British Telecommunications Plc , Sun Alliance , Citibank and retailer The Body Shop .
7 While there have been papers and reviews aplenty , no single book has been available until now to embrace the microbial populations which flourish and decline , evolve and stagnate , as co-terrestrials with man and the other animals .
8 Wait until the baby has been well for about a week , and then reintroduce each food in turn , beginning with those least likely to cause trouble , and testing cow 's milk last .
9 The ovipositor has been visible for about 10 days , and is more prominent in one fish than in the other .
10 An experienced general manager has been retained in a consultancy role and has been present on practically all the visits to units since August 1991 .
11 Even if the mastitis has been present for more than 24 hours antibiotics are not used , but a cure takes longer .
12 In all cases , however , Standard English has been present for long enough to have had a substantial impact on the language practices of the communities in question .
13 Since the 1960s in England , football spectatorship has been subject to increasingly stringent surveillance from the football authorities , law and the police .
14 A similar long bridge crosses the Taw at Barnstaple , but this is neither as long nor as irregular as the Bideford bridge , and has been subject to more extensive alteration .
15 West Indian cricket has been strong for so long principally because it is looked upon almost as a religion in the Caribbean .
16 I am afraid that he has been far from well for several months .
17 Made in China following time-honoured traditional methods , it has been hand-trimmed with intricately patterned lace for a truly delicate effect .
18 Few people are offended today , as they were in the last century , by the thought of man and the chimpanzee being classified together by virtue of a common ancestor which has been extinct for probably more than three million years !
19 ‘ Whatever intrigue there was between Lotta Petterson and myself died slowly and painfully and has been extinct for much longer than the six months we have gone our separate ways . ’
20 ‘ Whatever intrigue there was between Lotta Pettersson and myself died slowly and painfully and has been extinct for much longer than the six months we have gone our separate ways … ’
21 This focusing on JC has been noted by many writers , and is the basis for the term " London Jamaican " which has been current at least since Rosen and Burgess ( 1980 ) .
22 Equally regrettably , they suggest that she who ( presumably ) approved them is not so much a Pharisee as a Philistine : one , moreover , who has been impressed by too many drives down The Bishop 's Avenue , where Hampstead 's temples to new money are built , en route to the Finchley constituency .
23 However , a child who forms attachments from a young age with a wide group of people , rather than just close family , feels less insecure than a baby who has been close to only one or two people , so try to introduce her to as many people as possible , right from the beginning .
24 Dipping has been compulsory for over 20 years in an effort to eradicate fungal scab and tick infestations .
25 Writing on a touch sensitive computer screen with a ‘ stylus ’ just like using a pen and paper has been possible for quite some time now .
26 She will assume that her villainous son has been involved in yet more villainy . ’
27 Despite the fact that he has been involved in more intimidating tackles than most professionals of his generation , he thinks a line has to be drawn between hard edged professionalism and pathological violence .
28 He has the HLA B8 DR3 haplotype and an 18 year history of ulcerative colitis which has been quiescent for more than 12 months .
29 Oppressed for 40 years by the world 's toughest dictator , Albania has been democratic for only 6 months .
30 ‘ I think I could take a barrister 's brief for arguing that up to , say , 1985 the squeeze was a necessary remedy for the rather free expansion which had taken place in the 1960s , and early 1970s , ’ says Sir Eric , ‘ but I do n't believe I could even theoretically argue that it has been justifiable since then .
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