Example sentences of "[vb -s] be [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The radical consequences of relationism and what it overthrows are neatly described by Loader :
2 This has been generously supported by the Department of Health , the Nuffield Foundation , Bearing Trust , Allied Dunbar and will be launching that early next year .
3 The zippy Toyota MR2 , which has been generously supplied by Northway Toyota of Bootle and Maghull , is a neat machine with a built-in ability to turn heads .
4 It has been persistently asserted by policy-makers , some administrative law scholars , and those concerned with the administration of tribunals , that the informality of tribunals , their simplicity , and their accessibility , have rendered representation both unnecessary and undesirable .
5 It has been rhetorically espoused by politicians and sceptically analysed by academics .
6 There has been no obtaining by deception .
7 Of course , the argument is highly teleological and incapable of scientific proof , but it has been rigorously defended by brilliant minds and can not be lightly dismissed .
8 Because of the variety and confusion of possibilities and responsibilities after the compulsory school period the need for a guide has been widely recognised by young people and their families .
9 The latest implementation , X Window Version 11 Release 3 , emerged a year ago , and has been widely adopted by Unix suppliers and by DEC , with Unix ( Ultrix ) and VAX VMS versions .
10 This technique has been widely adopted by researchers in recent years .
11 Cooperative binding between the cAMP-CRP complex and RNA polymerase at the lac P1 and gal P1 promoters has been widely supported by a variety of footprinting studies [ 18,22,24 ] .
12 Our new 24 page full colour schools booklet has been widely acclaimed by teachers and pupils as the best AIDS resource they have ever seen .
13 This expression has been widely interpreted by the courts as meaning anyone responsible for putting into circulation a product which is not reasonably safe .
14 It has been widely welcomed by the organisations of and for disabled people outside the House .
15 For this reason , the footnote-reference system has been widely displaced by other accepted techniques , such as the system which we now describe , and which we would recommend .
16 The title has been widely purchased by hobbyists , student , trainees , colleges , training departments and a very wide range of retail and industrial organisations over the past four years .
17 Torture has been widely used by both security forces and death squads .
18 Predatory pricing has been widely used by both incumbents and entrants to the eurobond markets .
19 Next year 's work has been partly funded by the charity TEAR Fund .
20 The operation has been partly funded by a grant of £7,000 ( $12,000 ) from the Countryside Commission and the Trust plans to raise the rest by appeal .
21 Declining heavy industry has been partly replaced by small engineering firms and some light industry .
22 ‘ This profit has been partly achieved by increasing output and meeting tight expenditure budgets , ’ said Mr Hann .
23 The nature of that existence has been partly influenced by the actions of those millions of people who have lived during the period which began with the dawn of civilisation , and extends into modern times .
24 This huge swing has been partly assisted by exactly the factors that are slowing house buying : a flight into deposit-based saving after the 1987 crash and fear of unemployment during the recession .
25 Since the collapse of Leyland-Daff the only entrance to its sales headquarters has been partly blocked by heavy trucks .
26 However the fall in crude production has been partly mitigated by an increase in condensate output and in overseas sales of LPG .
27 There is also pressure of space in the town centre premises , although this has been partly alleviated by moving one advice worker to Easterside Library .
28 The scheme — intended to let the public draw directly on scientific knowledge — has been partly prompted by recent panic over the contamination of food by listeria and salmonella , public concern about how to store and cook food , and issues such as food preservation through irradiation .
29 Tom McCormack , senior depute director of the Highways Department , has taken part and the initiative has been well supported by all our staff .
30 That prison has been well governed by both governors while I have been Member of Parliament for Portsmouth , South .
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