Example sentences of "[vb -s] you [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you afraid to read what the man who loves you says about you ? ’
2 you know sometimes you can just tell he wants you to talk to him , and erm so I er could n't make a proper soup , sorry , but this is
3 ‘ Your mother wants you to go to your grandmother 's .
4 they were er a what she wants you to look at it and see
5 Er now he wants you to stay on your tablets
6 The Amsterdam Travel Service Cycling Holiday allows you to explore at your own pace the colourful landscape in what is arguably the most beautiful area of the Netherlands — ‘ t Gooi en Vechtstreek or ‘ The Garden of Amsterdam ’ .
7 Engine noise is very well subdued for most of the time , although the V6 does start to sound hoarse at high revs on the rate occasions that the automatic gearbox allows you access to them .
8 The Royal Bank of Scotland has designed a special account that allows you to provide for your children 's future and enable these savings to grow steadily over the years .
9 Or would you rather have the security of knowing that , whenever in the years to come your employer may decide , for whatever reason , that you should go , you will be cushioned by a generous notice period which allows you to look for something else without the fear that very shortly the money will be running out ?
10 As the arch will lower the height of the opening at the sides , you 'll be limited to a style which allows you to walk under it freely if that height is quite low .
11 One that forces you to listen to what this 18-year-old has to say next .
12 If inviting an elderly parent to come to live with you in your own home seems to be the best way of helping her in her last years , the first overtures you make to her on this subject need to be very tactful , bearing all the hallmarks of a really welcoming invitation .
13 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
14 The story-line and the characters may seem incredible — like beautiful Remedios who floats up into the heavens while folding the household sheets and is never seen again — but Marquez defies you to disbelieve in them .
15 She goes Mum , come and sit here , she goes , piss off ! like that and the mother goes you talking to me ?
16 If your aim each day is to do your best then every day can be a success because you can always go home knowing that you HAVE done your best ( whatever marks you got for it ) .
17 Here 's how the centre sees you going about it ;
18 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
19 However , it is the fact of opposition itself which calls forth solidarity : opponents oppose you because you are Zuwaya ( or Magharba ) , and that leads you to rally to your own people .
20 This gets you to concentrate on them rather than yourself and you 'll discover that even the most famous people value your compliments .
21 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
22 Pension — the tax-efficient plan that helps you save for your retirement as well as repaying your loan
23 Lengthy booklists are expensive and dull : with some time and effort it will be possible for you to build up a personal library and reference system which is individually geared to your particular needs , and one which helps you to build on your existing knowledge rather than attempting to start again from scratch .
24 If going along to a group on a regular basis helps you to stick at it — do it .
25 If you menopause early , either naturally or through hysterectomy , your risk of osteoporosis is far greater and the National Osteoporosis Society recommends you stay on it longer .
26 ( b ) Take up references This applies to a purchase of leasehold property where the landlord 's licence to the transaction is required , and reminds you to obtain from your buyer-client names and addresses of persons who from their personal knowledge of your client can give assurance that he or she is likely to prove a satisfactory tenant .
27 You also get a key which holds the other half of the sensor ; pressing the key against the sensor gives you access to your machine .
28 ‘ That implies you think of yourself as a poor sap — and that , Feargal McMahon , you will never get me to believe !
29 Then , raising her voice , ‘ I do n't think Lady Joanna expects you to play with her , my lady , but she has been asking if you are feeling more rested .
30 ‘ But it means you work for me for the rest of your life to pay me back . ’
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