Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
2 This would never yield anything like a reduction of one to the other , but Carnap supposes that it still allowed us to claim that the concept of a material object could be reduced to ‘ autopsychological concepts ’ , those which concern the nature of one 's own sensory states .
3 It arrived at his desk , as he had privately hoped , simply because he was the long-stop for security/intelligence matters that nobody else wanted to field .
4 He thinks that he probably overdid it in the gym tonight .
5 If it has proved impossible to find positive evidence in favour of Mecdi 's claim , one can , perhaps , question what appears to be Taskopruzade 's on the grounds that no source for the life of Hizir Bey records that he ever taught at the Darulhadis , and , indeed , only .
6 Richard records that he always found the advice , ‘ You 'll understand when you are grown up ’ really infuriating .
7 Yet Evans-Pritchard records that he never met a Zande who admitted to practising witchcraft , although when pressed Zande might acknowledge that witchcraft substance could act on its own account , perhaps even against the conscious intentions of the person concerned .
8 It has a well-defined head with compound eyes and antennae ; a thorax bearing three pairs of legs , the result of fusing together three segments ; and a segmented abdomen which , while it no longer has limbs on each segment , retains little stumps as signs that it once possessed them .
9 Spiers was trained in the Gothic school , but Bolton , who knew him well , insists that he never referred to any buildings of his own and little is apparently known about his work as an architect .
10 Rush insists that he only acted under the strain of mental pressure .
11 Sara insists that she too had no stage fright .
12 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
13 He says that it never occured to him to apply for planning permission .
14 He says that it never occured to him to apply for planning permission .
15 Ramesh K says that he had not met Mr Uppal before , and his brother , Kewal K , says that he briefly met Mr Uppal some years ago .
16 Bourke says that he then drove Blake to new accommodation that he had rented a few days earlier at Highlever Road in north Kensington .
17 He says that he always knew where he was with Ken .
18 He says that he always shunned help from neighbours , but he hopes he now gets other help .
19 But in the same column Beatrice complains that she nearly had her apartment burnt down after casually remarking that artists were rarely able to distinguish between their good work and their bad and therefore only critics could decide upon the value of a work .
20 20–3–1877 Duncan McLugash , Elder , confessed " that having been led to use a little whisky for relieving asthmatic tightening of the chest , he regrets that he incautiously allowed himself to go to excess , whereby he was overcome by it . "
21 Evidence from the wear patterns of teeth shows that they also shared similar diets of soft fruit and young leaves , and it seems likely that the various species operated within similar ecological constraints , although there is evidence of some ecological diversification in contemporaneous hominoids both in diet , for example the more folivorous Rangwapithecus , and in locomotion , for example the long-limbed Dendropithecus .
22 Their immediate appeal combined with their inspiring vision of Christian community shows that they also reflected a religious reality in their day .
23 Film of the event shows that they immediately ganged up on the leopard , rushing at it , screaming , stamping their feet and throwing objects at it .
24 Unfortunately , little is known about how Æthelred raised tributes : the charter S 943 of 1006x11 shows that he sometimes sold land for the purpose , but as the national council ( the witan ) usually participated in the decision to pay , the main burden almost certainly fell on the people .
25 With regard to the second patient , recent correspondence with her general practitioner reveals that she initially developed intermittent leftsided headache and right hypoaesthesia without motor signs 3 years ago when she was in her first pregnancy .
26 Moreover , a close reading of the quoted language in Section 3 above reveals that it neither provided a cause of action for non-delivery of the goods stated to have been shipped , nor deemed the statement in the bill conclusive evidence of shipment against the carrier .
27 Stanley replies that they only discussed ‘ recent history ’ .
28 One of Wigan 's local councillors , whose mother was active in the Labour Party women 's section , remembers that she also worked on the pit top .
29 A British embassy official wrote to the Foreign office , " It seems that they only got a fourth-floor berth at the Excelsior … because some Persian industrialist vacated his suite . "
30 From another statement in Taskopruzade 's article on Fahreddin Acemi it appears that he also studied under , and was licensed in by , Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi .
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