Example sentences of "[vb -s] [interj] [pers pn] [vb base] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 And er , he goes oh I do n't expect , has it got anything to do with Helena and Joan ?
2 cos I had it running in the kitchen while we were cooking tea last night and Sue came in and goes a real big fart , and goes oh I have n't been able to fart all week , she says !
3 He goes no I do n't like , just go in , yeah ?
4 But er I did two or three hundred , four hundred , five hundred a day and I got fed up on it and I said to the gaffers one day , if you do n't change me from this job I 'm leaving , so they says oh we do n't want you to do that , best filer we 've had .
5 I says oh I du n no , I said oh Sharon 'll fetch dad over , so we sat waiting for her and then they come
6 And when he went , as he went , she says oh I do n't think he 'll have much choice , er , much chance do you ?
7 the manager came along and says oh I do n't know about it , it seems er some reason
8 And he says no I have n't got me name down look
9 He says no I do n't like that .
10 Chris you were right about Casualty last night it was a repeat , she says to me I 've seen it before , I says no you have n't
11 then I turned round and says no you have n't you 've got eight and a half weeks and he has n't he 's got twelve and a half .
12 I says no you do n't .
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