Example sentences of "[vb -s] [not/n't] [verb] as [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Since the opening of the Sterling Commercial Paper ( SCP ) market in 1986 , there have been regular issues but the market has not developed as quickly as national ( as opposed to euro ) commercial paper markets in many other European countries .
2 EASE is the biggest operation by a long way , although electronic selling has not developed as quickly as the ANM Group hoped when it introduced the idea from Canada .
3 The rapidly rising birth rate is only part of the explanation , since the birth rate has not risen as fast as urban populations have increased .
4 However the government has not gone as far as it might have .
5 In some areas , mechanisation is replacing labour although in the countryside this has not gone as far as on North American farms .
6 This sector of the market has not expanded as rapidly as expected .
7 This has taken a number of forms and has not spread as widely as some of its supporters might have hoped .
8 Wind , rain , chemical erosion gradually wear into it and the stone that they used for some of the repair of the cathedral in the years gone by has n't worn as well as we would have hoped .
9 ‘ THE shareholders must be hoping the bank has n't gone as far as to give him a company credit card ’ — Labour leader John Smith , on ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont 's new employer , Rothschilds Bank .
10 In Canada the Human Rights Act 1978 does not go as far as removing mandatory retirement ages ( although there is pressure growing to do so ) but does make it unlawful to deprive people of employment opportunities on grounds of age , as a result of policies or practices relating to recruitment promotion , training , or other personnel matters .
11 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
12 Although our sense of smell does not compare as favourably as some of our other senses , it allows us to detect tiny traces of a very wide range of complex chemicals .
13 Natural gut absorbs moisture and does not last as long as synthetic string .
14 It does not grow as fast as N. indicum , but the slender stalks produce more aerial leaves than the larger species .
15 There the nectar does not evaporate as quickly as it would if it were in a more exposed position .
16 With many similar safety features , this latest Astra offers sharper performance with good build quality and economy , though it does not ride as smoothly as its major rival .
17 Another reason why coaching does not occur as often as it might is due to the time pressures which every manager faces .
18 Martin uses balloon fabric , as it does not crease as easily as spinnaker ripstop .
19 The relatively frequent mis-matches between speakers ' " Patois " and the presumed model ( JC ) indicate that for those speakers , " Patois " does not come as naturally as LE .
20 As algae does not multiply as quickly as some marine parasites the turnover in the pond need not be very fast .
21 This bearish tactic does not work as well as in a stock market , for art works are widely dispersed , and decisions to buy or sell may be thoroughly unpredictable .
22 You could buy a platform bed with no springs , for example , but it does n't last as long , ’ he says .
23 Well I suppose a game of tennis does n't last as long
24 Your leading hand is used to perform a reverse punch , but it does n't travel as far as a refereeing panel would like .
25 He does n't exist as far as I 'm concerned . ’
26 You know , very often when you go from one country to another you go through an area of re , what is called no man 's land , you come through from one frontier and then you 've got a distance and you come to the next frontier that does n't exist as far as accepting or rejecting Christ is concerned .
27 But it does n't matter as far as we 're concerned because one side of Katrina is just as bright as the other side .
28 That 's it , though he does n't go as far as refusing to let you see his picture .
29 That 's right , but it does n't go as far as the Glen ,
30 ‘ The Atlantic does n't go as far as Tennessee , ’ she said .
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