Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What I want to know is what 's so interesting on the other side of that wall that Madonna has to see it before putting her knickers on ? ’
2 If she 's particularly fond of someone who has Alzheimer 's and wants to help him by producing a foetus , who has the right to say no ?
3 He uses his long bill to probe for worms , grubs and other insects , and as his nostrils are at the tip he has to clear it by forcing out air . ’
4 As Pip begins to know him better they become much closer and Pip even wants to save him by smuggling him abroad .
5 At issue is the FBI 's ability to wiretap in future … the FBI is not only asking the industry to dumb down existing software , it wants to prohibit it from developing new technologies that might interfere with the government 's ability to intercept various oral and electronic communications . ’
6 It had puzzled me originally , but after a quick word with Glyn as you came into the offices I now see he wants to pressurise you into following his wishes and signing the house over . ’
7 In The Young Stepmother ( 1861 ) Charlotte M. Yonge represents Mr Kendal as a positive recluse within his study ; and even when his lively second wife contrives to drive him out of it into her morning-room , she has to prevent him from turning that room too into a ‘ literal boudoir ’ , by which she seems to mean ‘ a place to sulk in ’ .
8 ( 2 ) The London Stock Exchange may , at the request of the Panel , withdraw temporarily the facilities of the market from an offender ( for instance , a bidder which wishes to issue its own listed shares as consideration for the bid will be unable to do so if the London Stock Exchange refuses to admit them to listing ) .
9 Secondly , a man can not escape from the consequences , as regards innocent third parties , of signing a document if , being a man of ordinary education and competence , he chooses to sign it without informing himself of its purport and effect .
10 While the hon. Gentleman 's speech was interesting if idiosyncratic , he appears to join us in condemning the employment policies of the Labour party .
11 We shall also continue our annual research into the working methods of electoral registration officers , and produce updated best practice notes to assist them in compiling an accurate register .
12 I often ring at this time of the night for a chat , it helps to stop me from going spare .
13 Dedication and commitment are part of the Lawerence lifestyle , they always said he 's got a big heart , he hopes to prove it by winning his place back in the England side and then give the Australians a roasting when they tour here for the Ashes next summer .
14 This system helps to prevent you from getting too close for a normal approach .
15 Egalitarian feminist psychology analyses traditional psychology 's errors and omissions about gender , and hopes to correct them by bringing in more female psychologists , extending male-oriented psychological work to include women , and adjusting existing procedures and theories .
16 ‘ Presumably she wishes to thank you for assisting her yesterday , after her accident . ’
17 Thus , if the body clock is delayed then one tries to advance it by giving bright light in the morning , and if it is advanced then the light is given in the evening to delay it .
18 When I 'm happy I 'm a wonderful person to be with , but if anyone tries to keep me from doing what I want to do then I 'm … ’
19 Because Miguel , in the same incident , has been bitten but not seriously injured , Sarah tries to save him by cutting off his infected arm with a machete — an effect that failed to work with the first model , until an assistant of Savini 's used a spare rubber arm with the cut prefilled with wax .
20 If there are any holidays outstanding , ask employee when he/she wishes to take them before leaving .
21 So , some other understanding of alienation is required to validate it as the dynamic which establishes a proletariat and a property-owning bourgeoisie as Marx 's two antinomies predestined to engage in that life-and-death struggle ; and Marx seeks to provide it by postulating alienation as intrinsic .
22 He recommends the phrase ‘ care of the body ’ to be used in discussion with clients and continues to surprise us by telling us that in his experience of funeral-arranging he has never yet had anything but a positive response to , ‘ Would you like us to look after mother in our usual way , so that you will be assured of having an everlasting memory of her sleeping peacefully and at rest ? ’
23 Let's hope she continues to stun us by doing just that .
24 Derrida himself , therefore , does not in any sense abjure history ( or totality ) but rather attempts to reinscribe it by writing histories that set up supplementary figures whose logic simultaneously invokes and works against historical totalities .
25 She enjoys working with older people who , in spite of disability , can organise their care works to assist them in leading the lives they wish to lead .
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