Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As such a concentration upon ‘ women as carers ’ neglects the very important contribution of male carers ( Arber and Gilbert 1989 ) .
2 Similarly , " this personage " , a mock dignified label for Pemberton himself perhaps fits the rather forbidding image he presents to the child , as well as reflecting sadly on Pemberton 's own lack of dignity in the situation in which he finds himself .
3 In my view the importance of the pilot stage is that it confronts the perhaps over-sophisticated schedule with down-to-earth respondents .
4 And that involves the enormously difficult task of allocating resources which are limited among competing claims .
5 However , the communist revolution which involves the most radical change in property rights also involves ‘ the most radical rupture with traditional ideas ’ .
6 The 8-byte instruction buffer in the CPU decomposes the highly variable instruction format into its basic components and constantly fetches ahead to reduce delays in obtaining the instruction components .
7 No definition is completely satisfactory , but any attempt at a definition must recognise that the pitch of the voice plays the most important part .
8 However , under the Community 's legislative procedures , it is the Commission which plays the most important role .
9 Kim Hartman , the actress who plays the truly Aryan Helga in the BBC comedy series 'Allo ‘ Allo , lives in a small Cotswold village and drives a Polo Boulevard , a special edition of VW 's small car , which is equipped with a 1.3-litre engine .
10 No modern anthropologist doubts the uncomfortably revolutionary conclusion that all aspects of society form a whole and that none is independent of the moment of history characterized by this transitory , all-embracing system .
11 These protests may have been ignored had it not been for the enthusiasm of Hans-Dietrich Genscher for EMU : ‘ the creation of a single European monetary zone , with a European central bank , constitutes the economically indispensable centrepiece of a European single market ’ .
12 The reason for this constitutes the most critical part of the model .
13 Producing shame , anger , and futility , it is masturbation which , for Lawrence , constitutes the most pernicious evasion of otherness , becoming ‘ perhaps the deepest and most dangerous cancer of our civilization ’ , and ‘ certainly the most dangerous sexual vice that a society can be afflicted with , in the long run ’ ( ‘ Pornography ’ , 3 17 ) .
14 Typically sparked off by what might have been seen as an unfair arrest or an arbitrary use of police power , resistance to arrest on this scale was such an entirely , common feature of working-class life before the Great War that it constitutes the most articulate demolition of the myths of deep-rooted popular respect for law and authority in England .
15 The psychoanalytic historical investigations of Gilman ( 1985 , 1987 ) and Bhabha ( 1983 , 1986 ) provide contrasting routes into this terrain , while the theoretical historical and educational work of Philip Cohen , already referred to constitutes the most significant intervention around antiracist education informed by both psychoanalytic and sociological understanding .
16 Indeed , it is my contention that this approach is most marked in the British case and that it constitutes the most significant aspect of British political culture .
17 The simple truth is that in public buildings , in the streets ( and even in the House of Commons ) , there just are n't enough women 's loos to go around and this begs the equally simple question : why ?
18 Since do evokes the very taking place in time of the infinitive 's event , it is obvious that it can not be conceived as arising prior to the latter , i.e. as constituting a before-position with respect to this event .
19 Indeed , some of the colleges have felt that the Council is dominated by the polytechnics and , as a result , neither wholly understands the rather different outlook of the colleges and institutes nor entirely sympathizes with their aspirations .
20 YEGOR GAIDAR , the architect of Russia 's economic reforms , thinks the most interesting phenomenon in Russian politics is the collapse of the centre .
21 Jiri Dienstbier , Czechoslovakia 's foreign minister , thinks the purely military element in their security is small .
22 East Allegheny displays the most glaring disparity as , whilst it contains one quarter of all North Side dwellings , total investment represents around one eighth of all North Side loans made .
23 The tawny owl produces the most representative prey assemblage from its habitat , including rare species , but the barn owl preserves the original community equitability more closely by concentrating on the more common species at the expense of missing the rare species .
24 There is still , however , disagreement between researchers as to when the mother produces the most nutritious milk .
25 As a general rule it may be said that the more serious the breach , the clearer the words needed to exclude liability for it , and that where the court is faced with a choice of two or more interpretations of a clause , it will favour the one which produces the most reasonable result .
26 The industry award produces the most varied shortlist .
27 The individual that produces the most clear-cut signal is most likely to have the most offspring .
28 He produces the genuinely startling solution out of a tranced ( generally tobacco smoke wreathed ) combination of the intuitive and the rational .
29 Its potentially attractive location , diagonally across the Thames from Tower Bridge ( symbolic bastion of ‘ Victorian values ’ ) and within sight of Canary Warf ( the monumental flagship of Thatcherite free-enterprise ) , rather alarmingly underscores the financially precarious position of the museum .
30 Opening with a breezy Kabalevskian Overture , Smolsky 's self-avowed folk origins come to the fore in the highly distinctive First Dulcimer Concerto , composed in a broadly neo-classical style ( typically spiced with an occasional dash of bi-tonality ) , but imbued with an expressive force which transcends the often impersonal stance that such an approach can result in .
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