Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [noun sg] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 A Latin graffito on the north wall of the church tower at Ashwell , Hertfordshire , records the plight there in 1350 : ‘ Wretched , terrible , violent .
2 The pleasure of ‘ … watching it melt down and reform to become an object of its own , involves the viewer completely in the painting ’ .
3 They play a fairly passive role , though the taking of notes involves the student actively in the learning process , particularly if an attempt is made to record the main points of the lecture in a logical sequence .
4 ( This process in some ways parallels the emergence earlier in this century of the smaller civic universities — and some overseas ones — from under the wing of London University . )
5 Then he swishes his tail ; points his nose at the offending brush ; flattens his ears ; thrusts his head ; raises a warning back foot ; and finally , if nothing brings satisfaction , drives the person away in exasperation .
6 Fraser observes that ‘ analysis is more limiting because it recreates the past only in the forms in which it was internalised or repressed. ,
7 It places the gallery firmly in the mould of Acquavella , Pace or Gagosian , but has a more exclusive focus and will neither represent nor deal in the work of younger contemporary artists .
8 Pioneering private home paves the way forward in care of mentally disabled
9 It is evident that he has no difficulty either in describing himself as a Dvaitin or Dualist , or as a follower of Viśi ādvaita or qualified non-Dualism , namely , non-Dualism with distinctions .
10 I take the view that the doctor has a choice here in the absence of any clear guide , either to continue to treat or to stop .
11 The National Care Homes Association has two new members of its executive : BARRY HARTLEY , who has a care home in Batley , Yorkshire and ALAN GARNER , who has care homes in Lincolnshire .
12 The public has a month more in which to make its feelings known .
13 Comes with several thousand words , but with the usual Lander edit facility this is a very flexible educational tool that has a place both in the home and in schools .
14 Open or initiated complexes were then probed by KMnO 4 footprinting , a reagent that cleaves the DNA preferentially in those positions in which the double helix is melted , single stranded thymine nucleotides being particularly sensitive .
15 They will know that the Home Secretary sees the matter essentially in narrow party terms .
16 This theory sees the organization exclusively in terms of the owners ( proprietors ) .
17 The enclosed Renewal Notice/Advice Slip shows the cover actually in force under your policy .
18 Equally the Tender concentrates the mind wonderfully in a way that a final offer by letter from the insurer can not .
19 Sending small packages costs the donor more in postage than the stamps are worth !
20 There is a catastrophic ‘ implosion ’ , which may be called the opposite of an explosion , followed by a shock-wave which literally blows the star apart in what is called a supernova outburst .
21 In short Locke is plainly saying , it seems to me , that anyone who say a French man buys a holiday home in England , reversing the general trend nowadays , erm Locke is saying he 's still a French man .
22 Once bitten twice shy , and a man only tackles a hell-cat once in his life . ’
23 If you look at , say , American TV wrestling , you can already see in it a strutting prediction of the showbiz-sports of the future , where drug-enhanced body-sculpture plays a part both in the athletic demands of the spectacle and in the personality-selling which is its true purpose .
24 If the central government plays a role purely in terms of revenue raising , then an unconditional grant would seem the most appropriate instrument from the point of view of benefiting the recipient local authority .
25 The report represents a step forward in thinking about public sector higher education within at least part of the University of Wales and it is to be hoped that its influence spreads widely throughout that body .
26 Sept. 20 : The French referendum produces a vote narrowly in favour of ratification of the Maastricht Treaty .
27 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
28 It promotes the idea both in this country and abroad that we should consume British food , but some people think that what Food From Britain does is enough and that the rest will follow .
29 What he means is that although in one sense the competitively won money is very desirable — it gives a terrific boost to Imperial 's research and , because many of the contracts are from industry , keeps the university closely in touch with the real world — it actually contributes next of nothing to the core costs of the college , of which , of course , academic salaries are the largest single component .
30 I found the car a lot more nimble , it keeps the driver more in touch with the action , but at the same time still gave a smooth , quiet ride .
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