Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] [vb pp] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 But more than that , John has become rated as the man for the big occasion .
2 But more than that , John has become rated as the man for the big occasion .
3 By providing welfare benefits , recipients may become less reliant on self-help and more dependent on the state , entering what has become known as a dependency culture or benefit culture .
4 Since growing up in Swinbrook , EV Thompson has become known as a best selling author of historical romances .
5 Paradoxically , in most years the outcome of the Defence budgetary process is under-rather than overspending , and this is not because the accounting officers fear the wrath of Parliament , but because of what has become known as the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ , illustrated in figure 3 .
6 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
7 Spasticity , which comes from the word ‘ spasm ’ , has become known as the common term for the whole range of cerebral palsy handicaps but the three forms are significantly different .
8 This movement has become known as the Renaissance in the English-speaking world , the Rinascimento in Italy .
9 Several parish and community councils have given themselves the status of a town council , whereupon the chairman of the parish council has become known as the town mayor .
10 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
11 It turned out that a mathematically-respectable ‘ electroweak ’ theory required three exchange particles for the weak force : two electrically charged particles , W+ and W- , and a third neutral partner which has become known as the Zo .
12 The results of these and other experiments fit in well with the predictions of what has become known as the standard electroweak model .
13 He was able to introduce what has become known as the Herbert Act to extend the grounds for divorce to include ( in addition to adultery ) desertion , cruelty and incurable insanity .
14 Well served by local ferryboats , the capital Ely has become known as the Hong Kong of the West .
15 Most of the main animal groups appeared quite suddenly 600 million years ago in what has become known as the ‘ Cambrian explosion ’ .
16 It is a system which has become known as the ‘ Caring Hearing System ’ because people are listened to , and problems handled in a sympathetic way .
17 It is not surprising that this has become known as the ‘ Whig ’ Bible .
18 This gives rise to the danger of what has become known as the two-thirds , one-third society in which the majority obtains secure well-paid full-time ‘ core ’ jobs and the minority become ‘ marginalised ’ , obtaining less well-paid , part-time , temporary , ‘ peripheral ’ jobs and hovering on the verge of poverty .
19 The remaining Elves of Nagarythe , which has become known as the Shadowlands , take up a wandering , nomadic life shunning the trappings of civilisation .
20 Any description of the service sector has to take into account the legacy of what has become known as the Fisher/Clark thesis or the ‘ three-sector , model of economic growth .
21 The other is contained in what has become known as the ‘ autumn statement ’ .
22 The minimum period which a prisoner can be expected to serve in order to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence has become known as the tariff period .
23 What is seldom revealed in the history books , though perfectly easy to verify , is that Darwin 's contribution was less a paper than a rambling series of notes which contained nothing novel , whereas Wallace 's " Ternate " paper was the first complete exposition in writing of " Descent and Divergence with modification through variation and Natural Selection " — which is the very kernel of what has become known as the " Darwinian " theory of evolution .
24 This was most graphically illustrated by what has become known as the Cleveland Controversy , where there was a very rapid increase in referrals of cases of suspected child abuse in the summer of 1987 .
25 Willy-nilly one is thus forced to extend the reductivist argument and adopt the position of what has become known as the " redundancy theory of truth " .
26 Six years later , Henri Lefebvre 's willing corroboration of Thorez 's accusations sparked off what has become known as the " Nizan Case " .
27 It ended the era of peaceful co-existence among the southumbrian kingdoms and inaugurated what has become known as the age of Mercian supremacy .
28 In other words , a general theory of the capitalist state is applied with little modification to what has become known as the ‘ local state ’ .
29 Doonican , who rose to fame some 20 years ago with hits such as ‘ Elusive Butterfly ’ and ‘ Walk Tall ’ , suffered a drop in popularity when , at the height of what has become known as the ‘ swinging London ’ phenomenon , he revealed a fondness for rocking chairs and ‘ a cup of Typhoo ’ .
30 These days , however , far from being likely to ignore everyone at a party full of naked birds , Doonican has become king of what has become known as the ‘ light entertainment ’ circuit in the north-east of England .
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