Example sentences of "[vb -s] [coord] [adv] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 My years of dancing , beginning long before I was anorexic , have made me very body-conscious , both in how my body looks and how it feels .
2 I would n't disagree with Mr in what he said about the more cuts we have the better it looks and so it stands to reason it 's a question of cost .
3 If , in addition , what he says and how he says it , in other words his style , provide further clues , all the better .
4 He can come through Foxhall like and he , he 'd had to speed up he says and then he says he did n't carry on , like .
5 This is what Illustrator achieves and then it allows you to modify the results .
6 The emphasis will be on putting everything into context , not only what a particular package achieves but how it does it , how it relates to the other packages in the same area and how it might be extended .
7 They use instinct and spontaneity and when they practise something , they do so for the enjoyment it produces and thus it becomes more of a game than a practice .
8 goes into this other resistor here , where it goes and then it flows round again .
9 Like the foreign exchange market , no physical euro-currency market exists but instead it consists of telecommunications between banks .
10 Surely what counts , from the point of view of the person in authority , is not what the subject thinks but how he acts .
11 2 The form of an item is its audible or visible phenomenon : how it sounds and how it looks .
12 In Act One he first of all introduces himself and his job and what this entails and then he goes on to set the scene by describing the general vicinity and its history .
13 Sometimes it applies and sometimes it appears not to apply .
14 Before you even think of tasting it , pick it up , being aware of how it feels and how it smells .
15 The KGB is answerable to no one and does not even need to attempt to justify what it does or how it does it , therefore there is no incentive for it to become more efficient .
16 well he is so cheeky , and you can tell when he 's hungry cos he goes back for and stand by it again , sometimes he does and sometimes he does n't
17 We , we 've got the how you can help section here , but we 've got nothing at all about what the charity does and how it does it , yes we need some appropriate words for getting the idea that they 're helping children .
18 Neuroscience , the science of the nervous system , is about what the brain does and how it works .
19 They should be seeing what they can offer in the modern world rather than what the law does and how it links to the client . ’
20 ‘ I 'm only interested in what she does and how she does it . ’
21 What matters is not just what Parliament decides but how it decides .
22 The wind blows where it wills , and you hear the sound of it but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes .
23 Sometimes dinner comes and sometimes it does not .
24 you know , how an army actually behaves and how it thinks .
25 He yawns and then he rests an elbow on the steering wheel , his head on his hand .
26 Sometimes it works and sometimes it does n't .
27 I like to drive because its the freedom it gives you , no standing around at bus stops and even it saves you money , going from place to place
28 As we have stressed repeatedly , the understanding Christian knows not only what he believes but why he believes .
29 A sustained concern for truth therefore entails the public display of one 's methods , for only in this way does one reveal not what one knows but how one knows it .
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