Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [vb pp] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 She has thereby taken the first step towards adult sexuality in developing a wish for a baby .
2 , personnel secretary at Ipswich , has successfully completed the first stage of a three year course in personnel management at the Suffolk College .
3 The industrious biographer of Bernard Shaw has just completed the fourth volume , but it appears as if bricks , not books , will finish him off .
4 An appeal for funds has just raised the first £100,000 , enabling the Museum to further improve the facilities offered to the visitors to this already fascinating centre of British aviation and motoring .
5 DEVELOPERS are planning to clone an historic Liverpool terrace which has just undergone the first phase of a multi-million pound facelift .
6 ‘ My God , ’ she said , sounding a bit like a vicar who has just discovered the Third World , ‘ this makes one 's own problems seem pretty small , does n't it ? ’
7 China has just freed the last of the students jailed after the pro-democracy demonstrations four years ago , and this is seen as a sign of wanting improved relations with the west .
8 News from France is that recent Peak immigrant Felicity Butler has just made the first British female ascent of an F7c .
9 If you have a few people taking orders for the same goods , you must be sure that one does n't commit the firm to a big shipment when another has just sold the last of the stock .
10 André has just delivered the third baby this week .
11 Charles , who has just failed the first year of a law degree and is hard up , put up a notice on the fence : " Danger — Keep Out — No Liability Accepted . "
12 Cypress has just got the first silicon on the HyperSparc CPU , according to Electronic Engineering Times , and it 's reportedly almost completely functional .
13 Victorian doors THE Victorian Society has just published the first in a new series of information leaflets , Care for Victorian Houses : Doors .
14 Graham Taylor 's sidekick said : ‘ He has already achieved the first step by playing in the friendly against Spurs and it will be a very big step to get into a competitive game where there will be no quarter given or asked .
15 Anyone who has got as far as saying this , has already thrown the first proposition overboard , because if it is ‘ the responsibility of management to do everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce prices ’ , then we would not need a commission to tell us that managements which raise prices are falling down on their responsibility .
16 The region 's Women 's Desk has already entered the second year of its life .
17 - A letter appears in a national newspaper expressing disbelief that the writer has already spotted the first penny-for-the-guy collector/Christmas tree/artificial snow sprayed on shop window/Valentine cards on sale .
18 Corporate Wedgwood has also received the first order for its new Caspian pattern for Amberley Castle , Arundel — the only 900-year-old castle in the world which is used as an hotel .
19 The chance of it getting the first two letters-ME-right is the chance of it getting the second letter- E-right ( 1 in 27 ) given that it has also got the first letter — M — right , therefore 1/27 x 1/27 , which equals 1/729 .
20 In the UK policy has typically followed the second route , seeking to regulate rather than remove monopolies .
21 The 17-year-old Cuemasters youngster from Wishaw has now reached the last 16 of a ranking tournament for only the second time in his fledgling career .
22 Microsoft Corp says it has now shipped the second and final pre-release version of the Windows NT operating system to 70,000 customers and software developers , and says it offers significant improvements in performance , application support , networking and hardware compatibility ; release of the product is set for next quarter .
23 The United Kingdom has now taken the first step towards European Monetary Union which is intended to lead eventually to a single European currency .
24 Coming soon are a new wetsuit and high cut trousers and Nigel has now finished the first sea kayak with another on the way .
25 The movement has even reached the last bastion of the British banger , pub grub .
26 Rob has recently completed the first leg of the Round the World Yacht Race .
27 Well the first one 's already had the first chance
28 It 's just found the first one , bombed out , told you to fix it .
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