Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without trying looking very heavily at these type of sales , where savings plans have been sold for future mortgages , erm , the clients are left thinking it 's building up money for their , for their deposit , for their legal fees , and it guarantees them a mortgage at sometime in the future .
2 Brad disappears to change clothes , and , when he returns , a grey T-shirt hanging out over green satin pyjama bottoms ‘ for maximum comfort ’ , offers me a cup of coffee .
3 The special position of the chief constable has been discussed in Chapter 4 , but there are other officers whose position grants them a degree of independent authority .
4 Many firms using the bubble policy have found that the resulting pollution was less than what the law allows , a circumstance that grants them a credit towards added pollution in the future .
5 Well the government subsidizes them a lot for , for a start and it 's , again it 's the government , the philosophy of the gover of a government either subsidize something or it does n't , does n't it , and it subsidizes what it
6 But as she needs me a hell of a lot more than I need her , we get along . ’
7 We have proper birth certificates , because my mother must have told a simple lie to the registrar , a discovery about the verisimilitude of documents that worries me a lot as a historian .
8 He sits down and writes me a receipt in the shadow of a sign which says ‘ You do n't have to be crazy here but it helps ’ .
9 Tasteless ridicule of her religion should be absolutely forbidden in the family circle ; not only has she a right to her own beliefs , but an attack on them would be an attack on something that gives her strength and comfort and , best of all , hope as she nears the end of her life .
10 In many societies David McKnight tells me the man who does the circumcision who actually chops off the foreskins as it were , owes you a wife for it and he says in many of them if you give a man your foreskin then you 've got a right to demand a wife .
11 ‘ Then I 'm sure the local community owes you a debt of gratitude , Mr Calder . ’
12 ‘ There 's something special going on when a chap pulls out his chequebook and writes you a cheque for £13,000 right there in the car park , ’ he enthuses .
13 An application is not necessarily unreasonable because it is inconvenient for the addressee of the application or causes him a lot of work or may make him vulnerable to future claims , or is addressed to a person who is not an officer or employee of or a contractor with the company in administration , but all these will be relevant factors , together no doubt with many others .
14 He , say , needs a new roof on his house , so he checks how much he has in his account , gets a roofer to do the job , and writes him a cheque in pints .
15 It is convenient to consider the third and fourth issues together : has the prisoner the right to make representations before the Secretary of State sets the date for the first review , and has he a right to be told the judicial view of his tariff ?
16 The PGA therefore allows them a sort of cooling-off period at the end of a round to check each other 's scores thoroughly .
17 Lawrence passes me a handful of the standard ones ( white plastic , old Bell records logo ) and then gives me a couple of unusual ones ; heart-shaped and bearing the words ‘ I Love Lawrence ’ .
18 The scheme allows you a refund of 1/3rd of your transportation costs , or £50 , whichever is the lesser sum .
19 The West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List allocates him a reign of three years , with one variant reading of two , but Bede also says that Caedwalla reigned for two years before his abdication in 688 ( HE IV , 12 : V , 7 ) ( see also above , p. 51 ) .
20 This allows her a degree of flexibility and freedom which she relishes .
21 Only then can there be a truly integrated socialist feminist strategy and analysis of housing which demands decent and secure housing for everyone , and allows us a choice in the way we live .
22 Fifty years later , the brief reign of his nephew , Julian ( d. 363 ) , allows us a glimpse of the inhabitants and local dignitaries of Eastern towns divided in religion .
23 The poignancy of having distressed relatives say , ‘ How many times can you say goodbye ? ’ can not be overestimated , and allows us a glimpse of some of the problems of anticipated grief .
24 Enter IIT with Xtradrive , a very simple to install and use utility that , roughly , offers you a doubling of your disk capacity without the need to fiddle with hardware .
25 The ‘ Shoot the Next Janneau Armagnac ad ’ competition offers you a chance for your work to be featured as part of the 1990 Janneau advertising campaign .
26 Selecting FILE from the main menu offers you a choice of starting a new design , loading an existing design from the disk , saving the current design on to disk or deleting a previously saved design from the disk .
27 In fact , the Port of Rotterdam offers you a variety of facilities so complete that other ports can only dream of them .
28 If you save £50 per year for 10 years and the company offers you a return of 10% per annum then you will receive £9,147 — a sum that appears very comfortable .
29 it costs me a bomb for phone calls to them cos they put the long , wrong address on
30 Barbara takes off her shirt and wraps a blue chiffon nightie around her waist ; while Elena is in the loo , she opens her purse and shows me a picture of her six-year-old daughter .
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