Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] it does not " in BNC.

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1 Between disquisitions on Chinese opera and Venetian architecture , the story of Marco Polo 's voyage from Venice to Peking is more or less retold , though the narrative is continually being brought to a halt in moments when it half-realises that it does not mean enough .
2 Looks like it does n't it ?
3 Looks like it does n't it ?
4 Yeah , looks like it does n't it ?
5 One wonders whether it does not say more about the worker than about the client .
6 This is tougher than it first looks as it does not cover news , sport , game-shows or teletext services .
7 In being normative it avows that it does not necessarily conform to everyone 's notion of authority in all detail .
8 Memorex reported a $120m net loss for the nine months to December and the New York rating agency says that it does not expect the fourth quarter net outturn to be much better .
9 It now says that it does not envisage compulsory staff redundancies over the next couple of years ; and that it has no plans greatly to expand the use of contractors in place of its own staff .
10 He says that it does n't take account the differing backgrounds of pupils .
11 Mr. Karsten submits that on the face of it that passage in the judgment of Lord Donaldson M.R. should be considered as obiter , but in any event he submits that it does not bear the meaning contended for by Mr. Wall .
12 you might shout a bit louder , shout a bit louder and what happens if it does n't work .
13 She says if it does n't make me better , it might make somebody else 's mum better .
14 That 's what it says when it does n't know and does n't want to admit it .
15 But significantly , table 7.1 also shows that it does not seem to be possible to elicit sharp judgements of acceptability which can be used to divide grammatical from ungrammatical sentences .
16 Only today I received a document from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals that shows that it does not understand .
17 The computer model shows that it does n't matter what short of shaft a golfer uses — from the point of view of obtaining distance .
18 The key to 91 appears to fit the lock to the internal doors here , but 1 ( wasted ) round of turning it shows that it does n't unlock them .
19 Perfection is in the eye of the beholder , but Paul Clarke reckons that it does n't help if the beholder who made the piece is over critical of the workmanship .
20 Although they vary either in their particular concerns or in the foci of their campaigns — even the Responsible Society , which states that it does not take part in demonstrations and public protests , campaigns through its literature — it was ‘ permissiveness ’ or their particular interpretation or conception of permissiveness that was the galvanizing force behind their development .
21 Article 3 explicitly states that it does not affect the legal status of the parties to the conflict and can not be used to imply belligerent status for those opposing the government .
22 A plant you do n't water , it droops but it does not die/your collection of erotic images is considerable but it 's always happening to someone else .
23 And either section fifty four A applies or it does n't .
24 As you shall see in the next section , the predominance of hydrogen in Jupiter means that it does not have to have high interior temperatures to be liquid .
25 The predictable component , g , does not appear in equation ( 4.14 ) , which means that it does not influence real output .
26 Its high input impedance means that it does not load a signal source which it copies at its output .
27 If we look at each of the consonants just mentioned and see which of the features each one has , we get a table like this , where + means that a phoneme does possess that feature and — means that it does not :
28 This also gives Customer Services the credibility to form strategic partnerships if necessary , and means that it does n't need to spend a fortune on research and development — it simply taps into the work done at BT 's Martlesham , Suffolk-based research centre .
29 The chamber is reasonably sized , which means that it does n't have to be emptied very often when used for small d-i-y tasks , and it will also clean up after bigger jobs such as wood planing .
30 ‘ I see this as such a rite of passage — you get signed to a major , you get money , you go into the studio , a big 24-track hubbub , either it sells or it does n't .
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