Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [pron] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having had a jinxed left back position it looks like we now have a jinxed central defender position !
2 He wonders whether anyone now has sympathy for the Shah or whether his vanity , his vainglory , his hectoring , his insensitivity his military obsessions , have not lost him all goodwill , at home and abroad .
3 Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH says that it now expects its subscriber base to reach 200,000 next month , ahead of plan , but still expects the level to be between 300,000 and 350,000 by year-end ; it is still looking for profits in 1994-95 .
4 But he says that he now has an Olivetti ‘ spelling disk ’ that holds 80 000 words and space For another 30 000 .
5 But if workers regard the social security benefits that they now receive as part of their total wage package , and this is fully taken into account in their labour supply decision , then the supply curve will shift back to S1 ; wages and employment returning to their original level .
6 Further simplification ensues if we now let y and take the dispersive or Kerr limit finite .
7 There is an unconditional appropriation when the goods are identified and the third person acknowledges that he now holds them for the buyer , Wardars ( Import & exports ) v. W. Norwood ( 1968 C.A. ) .
8 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
9 ‘ What we have to do , ’ said Samuel , taking advantage of her exit from the ring , ‘ and I take it no one objects if I now chair this committee , ’ he added off-handedly , ‘ is to decide whether the Week of the Lion should continue or be cancelled . ’
10 Peskibe continues to thrive , operational profits there are now well over a million a week and I think it 's worth remembering that one subscriber may have three subscriptions say to two movie channels and one sports channels and if you count these individually , it means that we now have four point nine million subscriptions achieved during the second worst recession , recession this century .
11 ‘ It means that she now knows the number of your room .
12 This work , it is true , was largely conducted in the belief that simply gathering information alone would eventually lead to an understanding of the brain , but the fact remains that we now have an impressive body of evidence against which to evaluate the new theories that are emerging .
13 Sam Wanamaker enthuses that they now have permission to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage .
14 Gustafson admits that he now finds it hard to sell a pre- mixed foundation .
15 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
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