Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [noun sg] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 First , there is the early Marxist approach of Ian Taylor which emphasises that hooligan behaviour is a symbolic attempt by working-class fans to restore some control over a game which they feel increasingly alienated from .
2 Korpi concludes that workplace bargaining is not more under the control of the central union organs in Swedish manufacturing industry than has been the case with its British counterpart .
3 He finds that there are six classes of selection methods with high validity — peer ratings , biodata , ability tests , assessment centres , work sample tests and job knowledge tests , and concludes that ability tests are probably the best alternative because of their high generality , high practicality and low cost .
4 She concludes that wife rape is one of the more upsetting kinds of rape .
5 On the basis of studies carried out in the UK , Europe and the US , the report concludes that car drivers are regularly exposed to levels of pollution up to 18 times higher than cyclists .
6 Ironically , it was a track which Lauda had always opposed on safety grounds and there had been much discussion about the Ring 's lack of safeguards and medical access ( the track is so long , – kilometres , that marshals and safety equipment were not only widely scattered but often whole stretches of the track , such as that where Niki 's car went off , could not be seen from any marshal 's post ) .
7 He still thinks that tax cuts are immoral .
8 Hic Mulier , the voice of female transvestites in the most interesting pamphlet , Haec Vir ( 1620 ) , insists that gender difference is an effect of custom only .
9 Experience of food poisoning outbreaks has shown that build up within the span of one working day of the type of bacteria that will cause major explosive outbreaks rarely occurs where hygiene practices are satisfactory .
10 Strangely , it is not only high tax rates that encourage avoidance , for it often occurs where tax rates are as low as 14% .
11 The CBI says that order books are picking up and this follows brighter news on retail sales .
12 Yet the Secretary of State says that child benefit is one of the main elements in support for the family , and the Prime Minister says that he attaches ’ particular significance ’ to it .
13 Both organisations admit there may be occasional breaches , but says that Animal Aid is still on shaky ground .
14 Among her informants , Harding says that speech styles are learned and practised by the two sexes in distinct contexts : for men , in political meetings and other decision-making situations , for women in negotiating interpersonal relations .
15 Data General considers full relational databases to be overkill and says that run-time versions are enough .
16 A NHSME report says that district nurses are doing the same job as D- and E-grade community nurses .
17 Richard Donner , who directed Superman , the Movie ( 1978 ) and started Superman II ( 1981 ) before being replaced by Richard Lester , says that travelling mattes were little used
18 Horstmeyer says that oil drilling is tied to an 80-year-old principle of brute force — adding weight to rotary drills and using the force of gravity .
19 And because it assumes that gender differences are biologically or culturally fixed , it is especially likely to neglect psychological or social differences between women , to take female subjectivity as defining feminism , and to treat psychology as a form of social action in itself .
20 Accordingly , the model assumes that government spending is determined mainly by factors outside the circular flow .
21 In this sense he assumes that government policy is subject to the same degree of stickiness as prices .
22 The traditional theory of the firm assumes that profit maximisation is the objective of all firms and , on this basis , in competitive markets , high profits are a sign of success and efficiency .
23 The second objection is that the ownership justification erroneously assumes that property rights are absolute .
24 An upward-sloping supply curve assumes that interest rates are determined by the market : by the interaction of supply and demand for money .
25 Both of these ideas contravene the model , which assumes that item difficulty is invariant under these conditions .
26 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
27 On 2 February 1989 Jones sent in to the APS an abstract of his intended talk which stated in part ‘ We have accumulated considerable evidence for a new form of cold nuclear fusion which occurs when hydrogen isotopes are loaded into various materials , notably crystalline solids ( without muons ) ’ ( my italics ) .
28 The study also confirms that referral rates are lower in areas where there is no local renal unit nearby .
29 As the Institute for Fiscal Studies spring budget report shows that Government borrowing is likely to reach £20 billion next year , will the right hon. Gentleman confirm or deny that the Prime Minister and his Chancellor have reneged on their promises to balance the books ?
30 1984 ; Whyte in press ) shows that attitude change was most marked in three action schools .
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