Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [prep] [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 His voice was impressive , the accent almost a drawl , ‘ My own view would be that the notion of sacrilege belongs rather to superstition than religion in our age . ’
2 But the disparity lies less in tone than in technique : like rather a lot of modern movies , Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest .
3 ‘ They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning , the watery sunshine of an April afternoon , or the flurry of a February snowstorm . ’
4 Your Aunt Emily lives more in society than we do .
5 Mr Smith assures us that this ‘ strength ’ is because the Labour Party owes more to Methodism than to Marxism .
6 To talk of policy in matters of care except in the context of available resources and timescales for action owes more to theology than to the purposeful delivery of a caring service .
7 NO BRITISH sport owes more to television than athletics .
8 The most striking Iraqi achievement so far has been the saving of its air force , a feat that owes more to engineering than combat .
9 Triticale looks more like wheat than its other parent , rye .
10 This is known as a tree diagram ( although it looks more like roots than branches ) .
11 The magnetopause is closest to Jupiter on the sunward side but never lies closer to Jupiter than about twice the distance of the orbit of the outermost Galilean satellite .
12 Accreditation is then perceived as a safety net , but here again consultant appointment depends less on accreditation than on possession of the required skills and training .
13 Unlike all other HIS products , sucralose is derived from sugar — so it tastes more like sugar than any other sweetener .
14 The tarot cards he uses are used in many parts of the world to play card games , where their association with ‘ fortune ’ refers more to luck than knowledge .
15 A local council can spend more than its total guideline if it finances more from sales than the government assumes .
16 Sound travels better in water than in air , and as the fish 's body contains a high proportion of water within it , the sound waves penetrate the skull and reach the semicircular canals without the aid of the special passage needed by vertebrates that live in air .
17 The article continues : ’ Sports bodies are denied resources by government , which takes more from sport than it ever gives back .
18 In this and other ways Monet upheld and renewed the Northern landscape tradition which relies less on theory than individual experience .
19 Leaving behind low living standards and poor conditions in work and study seems more like rejection than adaptation .
20 There might be a faint possibility that it is being bound , although this applies more to periodicals than to textbooks .
21 These influences have also been likened to the forces effected by a millenarian journey to a new faith ( Jacobi 1967 ) , for they are compelled by an integration of the ego and the unconscious into a vision which demands more from society than the ‘ acceptable satisfactions ’ .
22 If its dramatic focus seems different , it is because Carlo Rizzi 's tempi are rather faster than those adopted by Clive Timms ; the action progresses less with inexorability than by abrupt shifts of mood .
23 See if he feels more like talking than last time . ’
24 According to the wily anglophile Right-winger William Safire , the ‘ British election means more to America than usual ’ this time because the parallels are even sharper .
25 He seeks less of his own company and moves more towards others than away from them .
26 over the past 10 years and that this country now exports more per head than even the Japanese ?
27 Denis Smith says there 's nothing he likes better in life than winning football matches and victory tomorrow will delight him
28 Has the Minister accepted the argument which was put strongly to him and to which he listened carefully that day , that it makes no sense for Northumberland to be forced by Government spending restrictions to cut £3.5 million from its education budget when it spends less per pupil than most other authorities ?
29 An attractive but slow-growing species which does better in emerse than submerse conditions .
30 It spends more on housing than all other cities in America combined .
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