Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From when anybody started , the training goes right through up till the last bit of training they 've done .
2 The first chain starts off right down in the Antarctic , a few hundred kilometres from the South Pole .
3 And they 'll have tanks for the sewage , which now drops straight down on to the tracks , of course . ’
4 And flops back down on to the car seat .
5 Some groups ( for example people with long-term rheumatoid arthritis ) typically experience a progressive deterioration which usually starts fairly early on in the disability career .
6 The capacity to show habituation , he observed , occurs relatively early on in the development of the baby Aplysia , while sensitization does not appear until a relatively late stage .
7 I have I tell you I 've done that before now and then that one ends up right down in the bottom corner
8 As soluble nitrate travels very slowly down from the surface into aquifers , present changes in water quality stem from changes in land use many years ago .
9 Britain fares particularly badly out of this , because of her unusually open economy , since it is possible for continental rivals to make bids in Britain .
10 As a result , when it comes to his turn to be on top of his wife again , he falls down backwards on to her ( 4281 ) , the wrong way around for sexual intercourse , as she sleeps with John after their night-time labours .
11 They also contradict the British government 's long-standing claim that pollution is worst along the coastlines and falls off further out to sea .
12 With the growth of towns , the coming of the Industrial Revolution , and the improvements in surface transportation , the pattern in all but the staple industries changed and the whole industrial and commercial structure grew ( and grows ) increasingly more diverse and complex , to the extent that it moves ever more out of the realms of the local researcher into those of the economic or social historian working at national , or even international , level .
13 ‘ If the X-ray plate moves even slightly out of focus , everything will disappear in the mass of complications . ’
14 We all know that dreadful ‘ it 's on the tip of my tongue ’ feeling when a name with which we are perfectly familiar remains tantalisingly just out of reach .
15 The dog sees you as challenging its perceived dominance in the family arena , and may well turn on you when threatened , in the same way that it would a rival pack member which does not back down in the wild .
16 I do n't know if you noticed , but just outside the door , where the ground 's trodden , the grass thins , and there 's a slight hollow that obviously holds water every time it rains , and only dries out gradually in between — nice smooth black mud like double-cream .
17 Place the red washer into the upper section of the tap and re-assemble so the red washer comes down firmly on to the white seat , ensuring a perfect seal , , .
18 If you do n't , the damp comes through later on underneath the glaze , So we 've got to wait till the Spring .
19 The atmosphere in the stadium is different — the noise reverberates and comes back down on to the pitch — but I think it was a measure of the way we played that the crowd really got behind us . ’
20 Jalics has compared the performance of IBM 's ISAM on a PC AT , a 370/158 and a 3081 ; contrary to expectations , the micro comes very well out of this trial , due to its use of an improved balanced tree index structure .
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