Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [noun sg] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
2 In this poem he thanks his benefactor for obtaining his release after ‘ Well nigh sev'n years ’ of captivity :
3 He uses his talent for accenting throwaway lines and for pathos , as well as his sense of comedy , especially in the drunken farewell when he drowns a beautiful old Rolls-Royce in the Baron 's swimming pool . ’
4 Malta , as the coach observed , are light years ahead of San Marino and the closeness of their results against Portugal and Italy ( both won by the odd goal ) , confirms their aptitude for denying space to the opposition .
5 Blows your excuse for going down the job centre .
6 So this poet attacks his Friend for hoarding his beauty until it will be ‘ self-kill 'd ’ ( 6.4 ) .
7 Only those whose prodigious skill gives them leverage for negotiating secure contracts are prepared to forsake higher education for sport .
8 When you have to take a job , even if it 's a job you can mildly stomach … the fact that you have no choice crushes your enthusiasm for doing the job . ’
9 After we 've signed the visitors ' book , he reproaches my husband for picking up his bag : ‘ We have a bag-carrying service . ’
10 Your son resents his stepbrother for taking up your time , and is worried that you do n't love him any more .
11 Britain claims its target for reducing presently projected levels of carbon dioxide by 30 per cent by 2005 is " very demanding " .
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