Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [verb] [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 IAN ‘ CZECH MATE SOUGHT ’ OSBORNE has something to get off his chess …
2 ‘ She wants him to ask her to get married and he wants her to give up her job , which is the only thing she 's ever wanted to do .
3 Now , even a little housework leaves her breathless and her doctor wants her to give up her job as a cook .
4 In other words , has it affected favourably their relative chances of upward social mobility ?
5 This utility allows you to move around your hard disk and copy , move , rename and delete files without leaving the windows environment .
6 She says they asked where her money was .
7 It 's in verse eleven , as a result of the anguish of his soul he will see it and be satisfied , he 'll be satisfied with the rescue operation , he 'll be satisfied with what he has accomplished , Isaiah says , and Jesus uses , perhaps , even more extravagant language , there in Luke fifteen , when he says in verse six , in verse mm mm , in verse seven , when he comes home with that sheep that he 's rescued with that lost to but it now has been found , when he brings it home he says there wi , he says he calls together his friends and his neighbours , saying to them rejoice with me !
8 Jordan says he picked up his first guitar when he was four years old .
9 The situation has recently become a great deal clearer , with the break in oil prices , which to some extent forces us to make up our minds .
10 If they have not yet reached the clicking stage , the sound stimulates them to speed up their development .
11 An unemployed engineer in Coventry , who joined the Labour Party after being made redundant , walks to all his meetings and reckons he wears out his shoes three times faster than when he was working .
12 She also gets him to do up her buttons on her dress .
13 And Hill recognises he owes both his famous and late dad and his predecessor at Williams , Nigel Mansell , thanks for their efforts in helping him to land the chance he now has .
14 Strange times we live in , he said , when he finds himself looking over his shoulder and thinking he might be safer in Sarajevo .
15 Such remarks can be an invitation to the teacher to come and listen or look , and as she shares the children 's enjoyment and pride or helps them to sort out their problems , there are times when this will involve ideas which are mathematical .
16 He 's so sincere , he helps me to work out my personal problems .
17 The program tells you to turn off your PC , and it encrypts your directory , hiding all the files on your hard disc except one , called Cyborg.Doc .
18 ‘ If it helps you make up your mind , Mrs Diamond , I should tell you that I 'm a friend of Heather 's rather than a friend of her family … if you see what I mean . ’
19 This is an add-in which lets you turn even your widest worksheet into a kind of banner printout .
20 Nick Pitt 's description helps one understand why his appeal was not confined to blacks : ‘ clean , well spoken [ he really was a choirboy ] , a political eunuch , black but not really black , cuddly ’ ( Sunday Times , 28 June 1981 , p.30 ) .
21 — When Manjiku comes , she shuts her eyes and lets herself fall down his throat past the barbed teeth and come down to land in the foul bilgewater in his gut .
22 The cane hat that Caron is wearing here lets her show off her dreadlocks .
23 But he helps her get over her hang-ups and together they start a loving relationship .
24 The crunch comes when Grant , concerned about the risks posed by Jane 's work , asks her to give up her job with the police force .
25 James Macdonald 's searingly-acted production gives us Kathryn Pogson as Sandy , an elegant collection of angry bones who is even more frightening than Joe the husband who punches and kicks her , then tells her to take off her clothes .
26 None of which really helps us to make up our minds .
27 Some people prefer to work their male ferret on a line , saying that it gives them control over its movements .
28 The fixed interest rate means you know exactly your commitment each month , which saves problems with forecasting your cashflow .
29 This enables you to decide where your strengths lie and where you would ultimately like to work .
30 He will also arrange an agreement that enables you to get back your property when you need it , ensure that the rent is paid regularly , and keep an eye on it generally .
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