Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the old [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He goes for the older woman ! ’
2 Educated at Luddesdown before taking his degree at Oxford in 1738 , he was well acquainted with this area for he writes of the old Chapel at Upper Hailing .
3 The village playing field stands opposite the old school and occupies the old titheyard where tithes were paid to the church up to the early 19th century .
4 IT is easy to see the word fan as a simple shortening of fanatic , but the origin actually lies in the old name for the followers of any sport .
5 ‘ But it seems certain that the answer lies in the old house . ’
6 ‘ Oh ! if those who rule the destinies of nations would but remember … how hard it is for the very poor to have engendered in their hearts that love of home from which all domestic virtues spring , when they live in dense and squalid masses where social decency is lost , or rather never found , ’ Dickens exclaims in The Old Curiosity Shop .
7 EMMA PEARCE looks at the old master of mediums and examines the products available for the discerning painter .
8 EMMA PEARCE looks at the old master of mediums and examines the products available for the discerning painter .
9 Eastwards , Cliff Lane goes past the old school , the post office and a row of cottages to the cliff top , where it is demonstrated why Mappleton has recently achieved tremendous publicity as it is the next English village in danger of being swept into the North Sea .
10 The Cart passes through the old mill town of Paisley , one of the principal reasons for its sorry state , and I was astonished one morning to open my Scotsman and read the headline : ‘ Sea-trout return to the Cart ’ .
11 Thus he slices through the old argument between ‘ formalism ’ and ‘ realism ’ by inserting what we may call a notion of intervention .
12 The material occurs in the Old World near Lake Baikal and traces have been noted in the Pamirs , but the only source known to have been exploited in antiquity is that visited by Marco Polo in Badakhshan , north-east Afghanistan ( fig. 25 ) .
13 What happens to the old man ?
14 " If anything happens to the old girl , it will indeed be your Moorlake , " Jenny said .
15 ‘ I 'll take it , ’ she says to the old woman .
16 But this rhetorical nonsense ends in the old strain of mischievous nonsense : for immediately a list of these pretended natural rights is given … there is not , it seems , any one of which any government can , upon any occasion whatever , abrogate the smallest particle .
17 Her son has taken her up in his hang-glider ( can you carry two on a hang-glider ? ) , and she recalls her life and loves as she sails over the old family farm and the nearby manganese factory where it all happened .
18 By car you can explore an unspoilt region of stunning mountain scenery , fresh orchards and attractive little villages where everyday life has hardly changed in years and still revolves around the old church square .
19 It goes along the old coach road every night , and it always stops at Dwolding . ’
20 In 1829–31 he erected two wrought-iron suspension bridges , at Scotswood across the Tyne ( demolished 1967 ) and at Whorlton across the Tees , the latter of which survives as the oldest bridge of its type in the country still supported unaided by its original chains .
21 She pulls over on to the hard shoulder , gets out , opens the boot , gets out the spare tyre and the jack , jacks up the car , takes off the old wheel , puts on the new one , lets the jack down , puts it and the wheel back in the boot , closes it , gets back in the car and drives on , knowing that she will be fifteen minutes late .
22 This method dispenses with the old image of workers laboriously laying down layers of fibre in a mould and adding resin by brush .
23 The only ‘ box ’ which survives from the old system relates to contact with key people in the constituency .
24 In the person of Master Humphrey , Dickens acknowledges in The Old Curiosity Shop ( 1840–1 ) that it was external objects , rather than people , that first captured his attention as a writer .
25 Although MacMillan 's choreography fur both the above ballets is based on classical technique , it in no way conforms to the old school of dance or conventional mime .
26 Bad weather is presaged when the Moon lies ‘ on her back ’ ( with the horns of the crescent pointing upwards ) or when the new Moon appears with the old Moon in her arm .
27 Layton appreciates in Leonard the patrician Jew aspects that he finds so ridiculous in others ; Leonard , the anti-establishment ( and anti-everything else ! ) that he finds in the older man .
28 The judges ' case for Vichy as an ‘ authoritarian ’ régime rests on the old argument of German pressure and French passivity .
29 There were further moans and groans at the old toper 's repetition of an apparently well-worn story .
30 ‘ That 's because he enters by the old tower door and sits at the back , where he ca n't be seen , ’ she replied eagerly .
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