Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this action the plaintiff , Anna Jane sues for damages for serious injuries she received in a motor car accident on the sixth of June , nineteen eighty seven .
2 If anything , the rarity of such successes ( disproportionately few in relation to the number of writers and artists ) testifies to the crucial place of Arts Council grants for minorities in British society .
3 The same goes for Americans like 16-year-old Kim Kessaris .
4 The same goes for Americans like 16-year-old Kim Kessaris .
5 at the caravan we never walk , we always go in he even goes for paper in bloody car , him !
6 Later in the same chapter , at the point of death , Dickens breaks into a further kind of rhetoric , the declamatory rhetoric he reserves for moments of high drama : [ 5 ] The golden ripple on the wall came back again , and nothing else stirred in the room ( 1 ) .
7 This provision in joint purchases — can the survivor give a valid receipt on a subsequent sale ? — is also included in land registry covers for dealings with whole or part of a registered property .
8 Ignoring the fact that it does n't seem to have much harm to British Telecommunications Plc or to the UK , France 's Minister for Posts & Telecommunications , Emile Zuccarelli , says that privatising France Telecom would hurt the company , its users and the entire nation : he particularly worries about service in sparsely-populated areas , a problem that appears to have been satisfactorily solved by regulation in the UK market ; privatisation of France Telecom is anyway not on the agenda of Valery Giscard d'Estaing .
9 If the pond level only drops during periods of hot weather it is safe to assume that evaporation is the cause .
10 It is suggested that the first unifying theme for 1992 should be ‘ The work of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ’ , and that work should start on preparing a modular exhibit , parts of which can be convertible to form smaller mobile exhibition stands for erection at other venues .
11 It will be difficult to assess what counts as success in scientific research .
12 This is different from the general defence of " due diligence " which looks for proof of mistaken belief .
13 John Daubney is no fool and has sought the solution because he , like many others , looks for reasons for unexpected noises occurring at 3 a. m. in the morning .
14 The social individual looks for self-fulfilment in social relationships .
15 KnowledgeWare Inc , Atlanta warns that it expects to report non-recurring charges of $20m for its fiscal third quarter to March 31 from acquisitions and restructuring and expansion of product lines , and that this will lead to a loss for the quarter and for the year ; it also says that lower revenues combined with operating costs associated with the acquisitions are expected to contribute to a third quarter operating loss ; it looks for growth in European revenues .
16 The company looks for demand for board-level products to continue — OEM customers for these have included E-Systems Inc , Polaroid Corp , General Electric Co Inc , Amdahl Corp , Encore Computer Corp , Xerox Corp and Thomson-CSF SA .
17 The feminist looks for examples of disinterested behaviour in the animal kingdom , sees the male here and there performing tasks which in human society might be characterized as ‘ female ’ .
18 She writes about adolescence among Samoan boys , but we know from examining her field notes , she never inter interviewed one Samoan boy .
19 Epithelial maturation starts after development of close cell to cell contact , between surface epithelial cells and underlying mesenchymal cells .
20 This phenomenon was noted in the central press , where the lenders were often referred to as ‘ beglye ’ ( unstable ) : however the shaky nature of their new-found prosperity , like the uncertain fits and starts of NEP in economic terms , was soon to turn into solid gains which looked like becoming permanent .
21 Admittedly , conditions in the American academy are a little tighter than they once were , but what looks like stringency by American standards is still lavishness by British ones .
22 The problem lies with systems of universal education which pretend that they are in the business of educating everybody to the limits of their potential , while hypocritically and determinedly doing the opposite .
23 The problem lies with lack of appropriate systems of support that will include all relevant role players in health promotion .
24 The Government 's intention to revoke a Planning and Compensation bill amendment which encourages protection of Britain 's hedgerows met has with opposition from Conservative MPs .
25 The relative distribution of continents and oceans interacts with variation in solar energy to induce dramatic variations in climate .
26 Hawkridge starts with survey of new information technology and its jargon aimed at readers new to the field , and which could be skipped by those who know about it .
27 Consequently , it is impossible to address historians ’ needs with respect to electronic information resources without being concerned over their relative seclusion and backwardness .
28 The prime difference is that Mitroff and Emshoff pursue the underlying values each stakeholder group holds with respect to specific strategies .
29 Chitin is insoluble in water , alkalis , dilute acids and organic solvents but dissolves with decomposition in concentrated mineral acids and sodium hypochlorite .
30 ‘ There is a wealth of opportunity for the replacement of metal and complicated polymer blends with polypropylene in automotive applications . ’
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