Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 The debate in physics has highlighted other issues that will not be so simply resolved .
2 The government has given repeated assurances that it has never sought such dispensation .
3 EC legislation does not require the national system to be brought into line with the EC system and the DNH has given repeated assurances that British historic portraits , textiles as well as arms and armour more than fifty years old will continue to receive extra protection .
4 France , for example , facing recession and rising unemployment , has seen European neighbours that do a quarter of its trade devalue their currencies by a real 10% since last September .
5 In addition , the International M&A network has prepared additional guidelines that address the particular circumstances of cross-border engagements ( contained in the UK handbook ) .
6 This idea has spawned irrational diets that defy science , cause much inconvenience , and may even threaten nutrition .
7 As revealed last week in Sunday Life , a retired MI6 officer has made startling claims that MI5 has identified Sinn Fein supporters by trawling through ballot papers .
8 The case of Iran has shown Soviet leaders that a Third World state may withdraw comprehensively from a Western sponsored military alliance in a strategically sensitive area and avoid subsequent alignment with the USSR .
9 Many studies have been published since , but none so far has convinced regulatory bodies that action should be taken to protect populations exposed to electromagnetic radiation .
10 And this trend has sparked frequent claims that many people are living in fear , often too afraid to go out at night .
11 Now Middlesbrough Council has told other landlords that they must keep their properties in order or else .
12 September 2 : Report says Diana has told close friends that she will ‘ leave ’ in the autumn .
13 THE American government has told Welsh detectives that they can collect a former cut-price car salesman being held in Texas for extradition .
14 This new , specific ASEAN zone concept is also supported by Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos , and the ‘ convergence of views ’ of the Southeast Asian states on this issue has inspired Soviet hopes that ‘ the existing positive process ’ in favour of the zone ‘ can be further developed ’ .
15 Proposals to re-classify the ancient track crossing National Trust commonland as a ‘ byway open to all traffic ’ has brought growing fears that Farnham Lane could eventually become a link to the new A3 Hindhead bypass .
16 This ability to tolerate the heat has encouraged imaginative claims that it is linked with Indian cattle brought to southwest England on Indian trading boats long , long ago , and others suggest a link with the Salers of France .
17 This study has confirmed early observations that oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation is not followed by any significant degree of chronic encephalopathy and it would certainy be a useful procedure in patients where endoscopic sclerotherapy fails to control bleeding .
18 It supposes ‘ without any reason at all , that God has created innumerable beings that are entirely useless , and serve to no manner of purpose ’ .
19 But it is not only the intensity with which Freud has assimilated external appearances that makes the picture unforgettable .
20 He said although he can never give an absolute undertaking on public expenditure , he has assured diocesan officials that the schools are expected to satisfy new funding criteria for 1993–94 .
21 Matsushita now intends to develop intelligent robots that will combine the technology from office automation , microcomputer and video disc systems .
22 The New Right in choosing to focus on , and criticise , pressure groups , parties , and elected governments as the very stuff of British politics , chooses to ignore other phenomena that are of political significance , such as the power of the secret state that we will be considering in Chapter S. Moreover , although it is a perspective which is critical of things , criticism is restricted to politics , and to democratic politics at that , and there is no attempt to direct critical attention to the functioning of the economic system and to the power which lurks hidden within it .
23 Of the two main regions , Bas Armagnac produces more elegant spirits , whereas Ténarèze , with its heavy , chalky clay soil , tends to make hefty brandies that take as long as thirty years to show their true potential .
24 Although EA may cause some delay to a development proposal , we believe it is far more important to ensure that such a development avoids generating environmental impacts that may cost time and money to overcome ( if indeed they can be overcome ) , than avoid the process because of its apparent inconvenience .
25 He is unable to concentrate on forms and reports because the words he reads undergo illicit manipulations that , like the pun , involve slippage and linguistic re-synthesis :
26 Producing the latest generation of automobiles involves making electronic circuits that govern fuel consumption and monitor engine performance ; developments in these devices lead to improved sensing equipment and software for monitoring heartbeats and moisture in the air .
27 No Defence Secretary in recent years has been able to grip his department effectively , which means taking harsh decisions that reflect a coherent view of Britain 's priorities .
28 Basically the procedure involves monitoring biological signals that come from the central nervous system , the autonomic nervous system , the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system .
29 It is on the basis of these distinctions that Hayek seeks to avoid certain criticisms that have been applied to Oakeshott .
30 No , Saturday , well she 's got little jobs that she like 's to do you know at home
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