Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think one wants to go at a time when people still want you to stay , rather than stay until people want you to go .
2 Our perception of the pub has to work at a number of levels — mostly obvious , but nonetheless worth clarifying .
3 ‘ The injury has come at a time when I would love to be looking forward to making my home debut against Forest .
4 The joint Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard survey has come at a time when Essex Rivers Healthcare is trying to save £2.2 million to cope with an overspend of £1.3 million last year , waiting lists are at a record high and the closure date of a Colchester hospital has been set .
5 A working group made up of clinicians , consultants , GPs and other health professionals has looked at a number of options and has recommended that services be consolidated , and accommodation improvements made , at the Chest Hospital .
6 The first term on the right-hand side is the sum of the dividend income for n periods which has grown at a compound rate of ( ) , the ‘ super-normal ’ growth rate .
7 Sustained growth sounds unconvincing in the mouth of the Government because , in the past few years , Britain has grown at a rate well below trend growth and below the OECD average , managing a paltry 0.75 per cent .
8 ROWAN Atkinson has hinted at a return to TV for the villainous Blackadder in a fifth series of misadventures .
9 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
10 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
11 Democracy has arrived at a gallop in England and I fear all the time it is a race for life .
12 An educated person in this model is not one who has arrived at a state of knowledge but one who is embarked upon a never-ending developmental process of becoming .
13 The microcomputer has arrived at a time of high unemployment .
14 Consequently there is a change in excitation and the motor starts to accelerate at a rate dictated by the load parameters .
15 As shown earlier , calcium phosphate starts precipitating at a pH of about 6 .
16 Cole has worked at a variety of catering units run by High Table in his five years with the company and has now been promoted to executive chef .
17 Slater , a hotel chef trained at the Culinary Institute of America in New York ( he has worked at a restaurant in Kensington ) , got his first headlines by being sacked from a grocery store deli counter because of his Klan activities .
18 Meanwhile , as Reiner ( 1985 ) suggests , the politicization of the police has proceeded at a pace , and can be illustrated by their growing willingness to respond to political dissent as a form of ‘ crime ’ or deviancy .
19 ‘ A similar thing has happened at a school in Norfolk and a factory in Leeds .
20 Mr Milburn says this has happened at a time when unemployment in the constituency is going up .
21 Clearly he has listened at a number of keyholes and collected the right gossip .
22 A few months later Who Dares arrived at a channel port on a trailer , completing her journey by road after taking part in a power boat race abroad .
23 Software managers were said to be deciding which projects to kill at a Geneva meeting last week — one of those mentioned was the Network Application System .
24 There are recognized ways of doing things that ensure that the job gets done at a time when we are probably incapable of thinking things through carefully .
25 There 's three players per team ( chosen before the match ) , but only one gets to play at a time ( plus a computer-controlled goalie ) .
26 As as I said we 're we 're not very formal but er you know that also has its especially if people that er maybe erm , how can I put it , are not used t taking everything back to a meeting and you know they maybe make a decision and go ahead with it and then it gets shouted at a bit but I think we we can all take being shouted at a bit as well .
27 Letting Swindon , Stoke and Honved score goals past them quite easily seems to point at a suspect defence .
28 In the very early stages the white hole appears to expand at a rate several times the speed of light , as I explain in an article written with R. C. Kapoor in Astrophysics and Space Sciences ( vol 53 , p 155 ) .
29 One approach that seems appealing at a common-sense level is to facilitate the evolution of natural groups of clinicians who work together because their specialities and interests are common .
30 Moderation means drinking at a level which is enjoyable and harmless , without suffering from short-term drunkenness or long-term health hazards .
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