Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] that [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
2 Kulsrud has calculated that it might be possible to increase the reaction rate by as much as 50 per cent .
3 Emma Nicholson , Conservative MP for Devon West and Torridge , has lobbied that it should be , and for prison sentences of up to 10 years for culprits .
4 Although Sun has re-iterated that it wo n't be doing a 64-bit Sparc implementation itself for at least the next three years — ‘ there is no need for it yet ’ ( UX No 376 ) — the company is seeking to define the space in which some are already working — Hal Computer Systems Inc for one .
5 Yeah jointly insured for major contingencies and potential legal liabilities , the recent re review however has highlighted that we can only insure our own legal liabilities and that we can not insure or assume responsibility for your prudential legal liabilities
6 Has the Minister noticed the press reports that a member of the Ulster Defence Association inner council has claimed that there could be further cross-border attacks by loyalist paramilitaries — a report that was echoed recently by the Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary ?
7 Nobody has claimed that it can clear the infectious organism , HIV , from a person 's system .
8 As a result , Sir Thomas has resolved that he can no longer act as go-between in respect of the prince 's letters to yourself . ’
9 Professor Eversley has stressed that it need not be drawn very high and points to the importance of groups at the margin , who used soap to wash with and wore some cotton instead of home-spun linen : " what seems neces-sary for growth is that the very exceptional expenditures should become a little less so " .
10 The child needs to know that he can win the heart of his parents , but also that such feelings can be handled safely .
11 He needs to know that he will be listened to and taken seriously .
12 In its Final Report , the Criminal Law Revision Committee has recommended that there should be a full scale extension of the young man 's defence to cover men of all ages .
13 Even the chairman of the National Westminster bank has conceded that they should look at that issue .
14 ‘ I think he was sceptical about our story but has accepted that it would be a waste of time trying to make anything out of it now . ’
15 Block ( 1980 ) has argued that one can construct a case where one would be forced to say that a conscious individual not only contained , but consisted of , other conscious individuals .
16 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
17 But erm she said she has said that we could do this and she said that 's fine , she said .
18 Indeed , the Secretary of State for the Environment has said that we should remove the county council layer of government and move down to all-purpose districts , the size and boundaries of which have yet to be decided .
19 ‘ It 's the Iti 's turn to have a go at us tonight , Hitler has said that they may have a good go at us , as a reward for their help to him . ’
20 Even Senator Malcolm Wallop , one of the staunchest advocates of laser battle stations , has said that they will not be the ‘ ultimate ’ weapon .
21 In an eminently Benjaminian vein , Kienholz has said that one can only understand a ‘ society by going through its junk stores and flea markets ’ .
22 Does he agree that British people should be told that if the Labour party were in control and there was a nuclear attack on Britain , there would be no response because the Leader of the Opposition has said that he would not push the button ?
23 That has been contradicted by the hon. Member for South Shields ( Dr. Clark ) , who has said that he would take money from British farmers with one hand and give part of it back to them with the other .
24 That is what the right hon. Gentleman has said that he would do if he were Prime Minister .
25 Mr Levin has said that he will seek to reduce debt by selling off $3bn of non-strategic assets .
26 My hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary has said that he will always defend the Department 's policies in this House ; he will do so whenever challenged to .
27 The latter has said that he could not necessarily turn a blind eye to this … especially if there were complaints from other parties ; as you are well aware the commission have the power to seek repayment .
28 Further to the letter of 1 June from my colleague Vicki Whadcoat concerning the OALDCE 3/e Electronic , I note that in ordering the dictionary Professor Engels has said that you will wish to start the implementation ( ie. inclusion ? ) in Adam & Eve without delay .
29 But no one has said that you can not sit at the table and talk to your family , even if you choose not to eat .
30 And soon , when I 'm old enough — he has said that I may have his camera , and take pictures for myself .
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