Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The label on the key Mrs Tamm has given me is crumpled and blank .
2 Every county council has to provide what is termed a Structure Plan for the next 10 years .
3 Management now requires a larger perspective than in the past : the school manager needs to know what is happening in higher education , in technical education and in the vocational sphere .
4 The church planter needs to know he is called .
5 But it needs to know it is getting better . ’
6 BDO Seidman has won what is believed to be the first successful countersuit by an auditor against a former client .
7 Bond has missed a fifth deadline for the A$2.5billion joint venture brewing deal with the New Zealand group , Lion Nathan , and the Western Australia State Government Insurance Commission has said it is considering winding-up proceedings .
8 The IRA has said it is determined to stamp out drug dealing .
9 But the union has said it is going ahead with a formal appeal to the Employment Appeals Tribunal .
10 ‘ Certainly promises were made when Michael Knighton came to the club and doubts have now been cast on his ability to fulfil these , but if he does everything he has said who is to complain ? ’
11 He has said he is determined to remain in office until his term expires in July 1992 , but Mr Andreotti 's wobbly five-party government may find it ever harder to coexist with such a tempestuous president .
12 Apparently Hanna Brunner has offered to come forward and give evidence in court about your behaviour to your fellow artistes , and Hans has said he is making it plain to all the other agents that none of his clients will be allowed to sing in Hochhauser and he recommends that they do the same . ’
13 And Coun Dot Long , chairwoman of Darlington Council 's recreation committee , has revealed she is looking forward to seeing the controversial production of Swan Lake at the Civic Theatre .
14 VETERAN actor Sir John Mills has revealed he is going blind .
15 This we may express , indeed , in a few words , but it should influence us throughout all our treatment of horses ; for a horse will more readily take the bit , if , when he has taken it , something pleasant results to himself ; and he will leap across ditches , and jump over obstacles , and comply with our wishes in all other respects , if he looks forward , when he has done what is required of him , to some indulgence .
16 Later the rational part develops add it is called the adult .
17 A two-year research project has produced what is called the home bus system , a set of standards for wiring up the home with coaxial cable .
18 Anyone who 's has bought one is asked to return it to Oxfam 's headquarters in Banbury Road Oxford .
19 Funny how a guy who loves doing nothing is accomplishing so much .
20 The major target which the Commission has set itself is to bring about a situation where Protestant and Catholic levels of employment and unemployment are more nearly equal .
21 In post-industrial society a new ‘ axial structure ’ has emerged which is reshaping the economic and social structure , that of ‘ theoretical knowledge ’ .
22 AS sales of bottled water continue to rise in areas of Bangor , the Department of the Environment has announced it is to re-line pipes in one of the areas worst affected by poor quality mains water .
23 Mountain View , California-based Starlight Networks Inc has announced it is to support the new Ungermann-Bass Inc DragonSwitch on its StarWorks video networking software : the software runs on an 80486 EISA computer , giving it video application server capabilities , and supports up to 20 users .
24 JAPAN 'S second largest car maker , Nissan Motors , has announced it is to close one of its main passenger car factories in Japan and shed 5,000 of its Japanese workforce by 1996 in a bid to restore the company to profitability .
25 Network Systems Corp , Minneapolis has announced it is supplying its 6000 Series multiprotocol bridge-routers to New Jersey Bell Telephone Co : they will be used for the Metropolitan Area Network being installed for the US Army at Fort Monmouth , New Jersey ; the order comprises an initial 21 Model 6614 and 6617 routers ( with another 12 planned for future installation ) , to be installed as part of a FDDI-based fibre optic backbone ; value of the order was not released .
26 The Jockey Club has announced it is to look again at the appeals procedure available to parties involved in disciplinary hearings .
27 LIZ BAKER , 36 , the first female chief executive in the Football League , has announced she is quitting her job at Plymouth Argyle after 15 months .
28 Keith , 32 , is the NCOIC ( non-commissioned officer in charge ) of the dog squadron at RAF Northolt and as such , has learned what is required to make a special working partnership successful .
29 It is also clear that in the last two weeks the whole country , as it heard different voices and different noises , has wondered who is speaking for the Labour party .
30 ‘ The horse is too clever for its own good ! ’ is a frequent complaint when a horse evades or refuses to do what is expected of it .
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