Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 native girls and then Paddy goes to like what do yous have for like alcohol over here ?
2 Nobody wants to lose and if nobody wants to lose it means it gets fiercer and it goes on for longer and it does takes a long time to resolve , if it ever is and often to the detriment of one person to the success of another .
3 Once the film has stopped I want you to describe everything that you saw during the previous five seconds of film .
4 Once the film has stopped I want you to think of things which could occur to make the situation dangerous to you as the driver of the car .
5 And Martin has taught them to say you stupid zombie .
6 he wants to see you doing it the other way as well
7 But our dignity supremely lies in the capacity and desire that God has given us to enjoy him and to seek for his esteem and friendship .
8 So now I go out and shoot Lou full of holes and when the law wants to know what makes me so excitable I tell them Mr. Bonanza said Lou shot Mahoney .
9 So if Pam do n't , wants to know what to buy him , he wants some of them .
10 If you 've got a birthday or something coming up and if somebody wants to know what to buy you that 's what you want !
11 This is what people do before parties : she has seen them doing it on television : indeed , she used to do it herself when she was young , when she had no need of such substances , before she reverted so inexorably to her ancestral type .
12 ‘ In fact no one has said they saw it . ’
13 With the playback that in fact erm as has said it showed me what in fact I was doing right and wrong , erm I 've been on television before once when I was running the London marathon but this time it was actually me and me alone in a work element and I could in fact see what I was doing and why I was doing it and understand in fact the corrections from the morning to in fact the afternoon presentation when I came back for the second one .
14 But by sheer adroitness of writing Dame Agatha has prevented us seeing it as such .
15 I 've always suffered with claustrophobia and swimming in a dark enclosed space has done nothing to improve it .
16 Though Clinton may have clinched most of the Jewish vote with his down-the-line promise to treat Israel more gently than President Bush does , the irony is that , for Jews and gentiles alike , his blatant Big Apple vote-seeking has done nothing to make him look principled or even presidential .
17 The National Health Service Act of 1948 only acknowledged and institutionalised those divisions , it did not cause them , just as the 1974 reorganisation has done nothing to diminish them .
18 If Dr Kingdom has done anything to harm her … what choice do I really have ? ’
19 erm he is a member of Vanroch Caerphilly at URC and has done I think he is currently at and erm have felt a gentle call emerging over the last few years and erm all started in Cambridge , that 's about it , that 's all I can say .
20 I supported the lifting of sanctions , but the avalanche of death and blood has made me realise we 've all been conned ’ .
21 I do n't think prison really teaches you anything , though it has made me realise I 'm as good as any prison officer , if not better .
22 The government has made it known it wants to shake up local administrations by combining all their services under single authorities .
23 Jean Pierre Hocke , the commissioner of the Geneva-based organisation , has made it known he is concerned about the case .
24 Swap one card with a player of your choice , ah I swap with you cos I do n't think you 're the only fucker that has got one have you ?
25 Someone has told them to play it down .
26 Most merciful father who has told us to love you with all our strength and glorify you in our bodies , we commend to you for your continual blessings the hospitals of our land and those who serve in them prosper all that is being done in the healing of the sick , the conquest of disease and the training of doctors and nurses that your will may be done for the relief of suffering and the making of lives whole through Jesus Christ our Lord amen
27 In so doing , he has enabled me to tell you of the matter — in the fervent hope that you will discover a means of informing the queen my mother of our case . ’
28 ‘ He always wants to do something to stop me crying ’ , was a frequent comment .
29 Yeah cos no fucking no one wants to do it do they ?
30 If she really wants to let her take them in .
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