Example sentences of "[was/were] quite [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
2 She was quite pleasant to talk to , I liked listening to her .
3 As the original barn was quite difficult to get to , I asked John Pennington if I could use his .
4 By the 1690s the northern colonies were spreading north and west in a way that was quite likely to lead to an eventual conflict with New France , though the distance between the English and the French colonies was still too great for a full-scale conflict to be possible .
5 He was a man who was quite unable to relate to children and therefore always treated them as adults , an approach which she appreciated .
6 How is it that you do n't know and in your letter to me you said this trust did not know where that money had been withdrawn at the same time Andrew director of Eastern Arts was quite happy to write to me to tell me why he was quite happy to tell the press over the phone why how is it the trust did n't know ?
7 I was quite prepared to go to court .
8 He said he was quite prepared to come to court with the film , ’ the judge said .
9 He did not particularly like Franco whose view on life was rather cynical , redeemed only by the fact that he was quite willing to listen to Sandison 's halting efforts to tell his tale in Italian .
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