Example sentences of "[was/were] too [adj] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The news categories used by the 1947 Press Commission , which were followed for the 1975 analysis , were too general to show up many differences of detail , but are recorded in Table 6.6 .
2 Kāli chose the steeper , shorter route to the forest and we climbed at a leisurely pace , stopping occasionally to catch our breath , lurching drunkenly and bumping into each other when the gradient increased and we were too lazy to keep up our momentum .
3 Their educational attainment was also being affected because their rooms were too cold to study in .
4 By eight-thirty , after putting the army to rights , and warming ourselves on one cup of tea after another , we were too cold to stay up .
5 The method was to feed the snails on milk until they were too fat to get back into their shells , then fry them .
6 Her eyes were too busy picking out faces amongst the other passengers .
7 My suggestion that mice — or even rats — would be more suitable went unheard — they were too busy arguing over breeds .
8 The old and infirm who were too feeble to keep up with the band were left behind to die .
9 Without the safety of numbers and the resources , however limited , that Dublin provided , many women were too frightened to come out .
10 The leather baggage and glass cosmetic pots of the day were too heavy to take on the plane but she managed to find lighter substitutes and so became a pioneer of lightweight luggage , as well as a pioneer female passenger .
11 As luck would have it , Jean-Claude found he needed some old scores he had put to one side as they were too heavy to bring along with everything else we had had to load on the motor cycle .
12 I declined a chocolate ; they were too large to take in in one bite and I feared to take two and risk cream and liqueur trickling down my chin .
13 For several decades most scientists assumed that the discrepancy was too negligible to worry about : after all , no one said that everything in the Universe should work perfectly .
14 There was too much going on for just one person to deal with .
15 There was too much going on at DEA Nicosia for Control to risk losing the back-channel reports the DIA needed to maintain its overview of American operations in the Middle East .
16 The major felt there was too much going on in his head .
17 I wondered if he was too obtuse to pick up what I was driving at ; he was a simple soldier , after all , serving his country to the best of his ability , etc. , etc .
18 If it makes you feel any better , you may like to know that she 's been telling me that our separation was all my fault — because I was too proud to climb down , or admit I was in the wrong .
19 Well , it was too late to back out now .
20 ‘ She 's over there , ’ she pointed out , knowing it was too late to back out .
21 It was too late to go round to her flat , but not quite too late for a telephone call .
22 But it was too late to go back now .
23 And at that stage it was too late to go down the rope so it was just instinct more than anything else that we just jumped over the side from where we were then .
24 By the time he realized that war was coming it was too late to get out .
25 So they greeted her with comforts and praise , and said they liked the colour , and Janice lent her a necklace ; Clara did not much like the necklace either , for it was made of large artificial pearls , and she secretly suspected the donor of malicious intent in offering such a loan , but she put it on just the same , and ignored her suspicions , and allowed herself to be comforted , because she wished to be comforted , and because it was too late to get out of going .
26 Then Julius got into the car beside her and started up the engine , and it was too late to get out .
27 He was staring at the glove box now , he was too low to see out of the window .
28 It was too cumbersome to hang on a peg in the hall with the others .
29 He said : ‘ I needed a rest , but a change is often as good and the chance to experience English rugby was too good to turn down .
30 They did n't want to do it ; they were nervous as kittens , but in the end my offer was too good to turn down .
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