Example sentences of "[was/were] not [num] [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 There might be any roads to socialism but the Labour Party was not one of them .
2 She regrets Mr Kinnock was not one of them .
3 You can guess that I was not one of them .
4 Trelawney , with the See of Exeter within his grasp , was not one of them .
5 Although my own options were fairly limited — and moving was not one of them — satisfactory alternatives do thankfully exist .
6 Yet there are always some rhetorical flourishes too imbecilic even to be considered ; it tells us something that this , apparently , was not one of them .
7 No 467 Squadron took part in one more raid on April 25 , to attack oil storage tanks on Tonsberg in Norway , but Sugar was not one of them .
8 In spite of Hazel 's efforts beside the snare , there was not one of them who had not turned sick at heart to think that Bigwig was dead and wondered , like Blackberry , what would become of them now .
9 He would do many things to keep her happy , but sex was not one of them .
10 There were many regrets in her life , but her beloved son was not one of them .
11 The Doctor had known many of the great leaders in the history of Earth and his instincts told him immediately that Witcher was not one of them .
12 ‘ My friend — ’ he meant Georgiades — ‘ he asked among the men and they say he was not one of them . ’
13 She had her own ideas of social justice , and not paying a good employee like Lily because of a death in the family was not one of them .
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