Example sentences of "[was/were] on [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I just posed the question : ‘ When was the last time you were on a donkey and got sucked off ? ' ’
2 Finally , sensing that we were on a loser and not keen on the mile-long trek back to the crossing point , I took off boots and socks and walked into the fast-flowing stream .
3 Tranmere were on a roll and , to be fair , there are not many First Division sides that can stop them at their best .
4 Whatever happened to you , you were on a charge if you were n't at the point that the sergeant expected you .
5 The pool was large for a private one , lying at the bottom of a vast expanse of immaculate lawn and surrounded by a high yew hedge which effectively hid it from all directions ( unless you were on a horse or a double-decker bus ) .
6 That 's what , oh no we were on a boat and we took that , but it was a similar boat to what we went on .
7 If you were on a house that was causing problems , you got what was called babysitters , which meant two screws on the house all night .
8 But erm you know when we were on the strike if these lads would n't have gone back , there was couple of scabs went back into the quarry .
9 We were on the coach until about one pm the next day .
10 They were on the till when I was up there this morning and I said you are you were working there
11 The blankets were on the floor and his feet were freezing .
12 Mrs Burrows called this afternoon while you were on the shore and said that Harry was most anxious you should take part in some theatricals the young people want to perform at Easter .
13 Although the final decision was with Cabinet , it would be most unlikely that they would overturn the views of a committee which had spent a number of weeks going through the proposals almost line by line — particularly given that half the Cabinet were on the committee and the Prime Minister was in the chair .
14 All eyes were on the clock as the hands dragged themselves , with agonising slowness towards noon and time to leave for the airfield .
15 He and some other survivors of the hospital staff got straw mats and went outdoors — thousands of patients and hundreds of dead were on the driveway and in the yard — and hurried around behind the hospital and lay down in hiding to snatch some sleep .
16 Most of the winners were on the south and south west coasts , from Kent to Cornwall .
17 I was spellbound by the brass bedstead and all the knick-knacks , but what held my attention most were the knitted bedspreads that were on the bed and draped over the chairs .
18 Oh well there was , the sweets were on the rationing and , and they
19 Ace were on the bill as well .
20 However , almost all my political connections were on the Left and my Labour friends , acquired relatively late in life ( apart from George Wigg , most of them after I was forty years of age ) , were a source of delight and novelty to me .
21 You knew he was there , wherever you were on the pitch and you did n't want him coming in behind you trying to get the ball . ’
22 They used to do that : the chief inspector walking down on a Saturday morning in full regalia and one of these fellows would nod and they 'd always walk to the corner , and the Chief would n't say anything about it because they were on the corner and not causing any obstruction .
23 And I get them er , I thought they were on the seat but they 're not .
24 Other stars were on the isle when the storm — which killed four people with gusts of 175mph — struck as they filmed Steven Spielberg 's latest thriller .
25 Then Colin 's thin feet were on the grass and he was standing , holding Dickon 's arm .
26 The staff of both periodicals were approached by many artists , some of whom were on the list and many more who were not .
27 All eyes were on the catwalk and no one appeared to notice her , apart from a tall , grey-haired woman in the uniform of an atelier who moved towards her accusingly .
28 Well we were on the bus and
29 It is understood that unarmed policemen accompanied the returning Vietnamese , and that two very senior government officials were on the plane when it landed in the Vietnamese capital , Hanoi .
30 You say that the footprints you saw were on the path and not on the grass ? ’
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