Example sentences of "[was/were] in [noun] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He knew where those agents were in London and about Mistress Hopkins .
2 The description of the island in Ballantyne 's book was much ‘ nicer ’ and was described as if the boys were in paradise or in heaven .
3 It would be necessary for the fire fighters , under conditions of very limited visibility to be able to determine which particular zones of a sprinkler system were in operation and to be reliably informed if further zones wee subsequently triggered .
4 Of the 32 bishops responding , 75pc were in favour and of the 196 clergy , 68pc were in favour .
5 Mr Johnstone said : ‘ The first I knew they were in Liverpool and on their way here .
6 The statutory lettering and ‘ Type J/2 ’ were in white and at a later date the title ‘ SouthmeT ’ was applied to the centre of the side panel .
7 ‘ No , I just played all the rhythm parts that were in harmony or as a counterpoint to Dave 's main rhythm part — like in the bridge of Symphony Of Destruction for example .
8 It has long been established that a defendant may be required to discover documents under his control but situated abroad ; in the early cases , the fact that relevant documents were in Calcutta or in Tobago led merely to an extension in the time allowed for their production .
9 By 1860 the steam colliers were in demand because of their larger capacity and reliability .
10 I 'd accepted your disabilities while you were in hospital because to me that was the place where people were supposed to be ill .
11 Unsurprisingly , most deaths from VSA were in hospital or on the way to hospital ( 47% ) , and causes of death were recorded as direct toxic effects ( 49.2% ) , inhalation of vomit ( 14.8% ) , trauma — eg , hanging or drowning ( 11.5% ) , suffocation inside a plastic bag ( 7.4% ) , and ‘ other/not known ’ ( 17.2% ) .
12 I dreamt that I was in Cardiff and in bed with the wife .
13 However , the important additional point in that case was that the transferor foundation was in principle and in fact a legal person whose objects were non-commercial .
14 Alan Jenkins , prosecuting , alleged that Stroud , a horse breeder , was in debt and under pressure to pay £20,000 to Mr Stokle as part of a property deal on the bungalow they had bought together .
15 It was in part because of this love of the specially religious life , and in part because of the affection for the long history of the Church , that he led another pilgrimage ( 1959 ) of several thousand people to Holy Island on the coast of Northumberland and even The Times had a piece about the archbishop walking barefoot .
16 The dismay was in part because of the anticipated economic consequences of this militancy , but also because it threatened the existing social order of late Victorian England .
17 This was in part because of better diet ( due to new crops introduced from abroad and more reliable agricultural methods ) .
18 If Zuwaya disliked policemen as a category , and took pride in not being related to any , that was in part because in the past ordinary people got their main experience of corruption and venality in the first instance from the police , and that reputation stuck ; and partly also because they recognized that policemen had divided loyalties and could not be trusted to be loyal exclusively to their kinsmen .
19 In effect , it was claimed that the unpopular and disastrous system of adversary politics and the threat of democratic socialism was in existence because of the working of the established electoral system .
20 I had written to him in Edinburgh when he was in Belgium , to Belgium when he was in France and to France the very moment he arrived back in Edinburgh .
21 He sat shame-faced as a court heard that his career was in tatters because of the stag night brawl .
22 The explicit blurring of the male and female into a different , ‘ third ’ sexuality represented a quantum leap from fifties timidities yet it originated from a similarly homosexual milieu and sensibility : the difference was in scale and in sophistication .
23 In fact , the treaty of Munster was in Latin and in the negotiations " Latin , French , Spanish and Italian seem to have been indiscriminately used … often in the same conversation " .
24 Canon Collins now credits the movement with two achievements — ‘ public awareness of what the nuclear threat was in reality and of the danger from the tests .
25 While feeding the meter I had a sudden blank on whether my meter was in front or behind my car .
26 He held his audience all through his speech you felt he was in touch and in sympathy with them and they with him .
27 My grandfather , who was one of the aircraft pioneers , told me that he had a long argument with Cody about whether a certain member was in tension or in compression in flight .
28 The only other official site I used was in Isafjördur but in the first week of June , at minus five degrees , I had been alone .
29 A priestess of Isis , the beautiful Ayesha had broken her vows for love of a Greek soldier Kallikrates who , in his turn , was in danger because of his love for the Egyptian princess Amenartas .
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