Example sentences of "[was/were] the [noun] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Per Tjerssen : there was awe of him in the flock of bubble-gleams that were the meanings of his name .
2 To soothe the nationalists , Franco resorted yet again to the rituals of Falangism to remind everyone what were the constants of his power .
3 Then there were the bruises on his knees and elbows that he 'd received from the fall over the trip-wire at Jacqui 's .
4 They were the pages on his agent 's desk .
5 The enterprise failed , but in the course of its failure Swindin developed the ideas and learned the techniques that were the foundation of his success .
6 Tolerance and generosity were the keynotes of his relations with his colleagues and younger associates .
7 On a clean parchment headed by the British crest were the deeds to his home in Jaffa , bought from his father for 3,493 Palestinian pounds and dated 27 October 1947 .
8 ( The later Warhol films , not directed by Andy himself , were in colour — as were the majority of his paintings and prints , after all . )
9 Terrible neuralgic pains which troubled him throughout this period were the mirror of his inward distress , and the large doses of laudanum he took to relieve his symptoms , a portent for the future .
10 But now the first thing I saw were the lines on his face standing out like the lines on a charcoal drawing .
11 So were the pockets of his jacket , adding several pounds of dead-weight to the weight of the body .
12 From these amorphous and uncertain images he would create his own imaginings , superimposed and dominant , but essentially just as incomplete , just as distorted — as were the others by his own preconceptions , his own personality .
13 The Canal Treaties he signed with Jimmy Carter were the fruit of his long labours .
14 Those two finals in 1986 and 1987 were the climax of his 24-year career at the top of the game that has grown to be a part of the national heritage .
15 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
16 All he owned were the clothes on his back and a few cassettes which I 'd partly paid for anyway .
17 Not having been associated with people with his range of peculiarities , I wondered whether they were the materials of his prejudices .
18 On the 5th post-operative day Mr Reynolds became very distressed and eventually admitted to the nurse who was caring for him that his " water works " were the source of his concern .
19 IBM Corp traditionally sends departing executives off with glowing resumees of their illustrious careers , so it was striking that the announcement late Friday that former chairman and chief executive officer John Akers had just retired from the company after 33 years was accompanied by the briefest and curtest summaries of his career — after all , the man had significant achievements behind him when he acceded to the top job , and it is arguable that many of the problems that plagued the company during Akers ' tenure were the fault of his predecessors , although it must be said that he was also in the loop at the time .
20 In order to show conscious memorising the employer will have to demonstrate that the complexity of the process or that the list of trade connections was so lengthy or important that an honest employee would have realised that these were the property of his employer .
21 The execution of the will was certainly not a quick and easy process because of the number and geographical range of the bequests : there were the arrangements for his burial in the Church of St. Thomas of Acre in London , the founding of a chapel at Woodhead and the School in Stockport , together with masses and annual and daily services of prayers for his soul , road building in Essex , repair of the Cripplegate in London , gifts to the poor in and around Stockport and London and to churches in Stockport , Ashton , and Mottram , mourning rings to be made for particular friends , and legacies to his family .
22 Below him was H. J. E. Dudley , Lord Sayle ; above him were the rooms of his closest friend , the Honourable C. V. T. Glendinning .
23 The only agreement between them is that the birth of Jesus took place in the reign of Herod the Great , in the town of Bethlehem , and that Mary and Joseph were the names of his parents .
24 All that remained of him were the words of his confused hopes , swimming on the pages .
25 He had seen horrors committed by the enemy , and horrors that were the doing of his comrades-in-arms .
26 It had been as if he came from another , alien world , beyond her experience or comprehension , a glamorous , glittering man who made her think of diamonds , so hard and sharp were the edges of his personality .
27 Buried under his feet were the remains of his little sisters and his mother .
28 Bakewell bought two of Webster 's heifers and they , with a Westmorland bull , were the nucleus of his own new Longhorn .
29 Unfortunately the darker side of human genetics is also Galton 's responsibility , although his ideas for ‘ improving the human stock ’ through selective breeding were the product of his undeniable eccentricity rather than malevolence .
30 She had assumed his letters were the product of his lifelong rage , the festering cancer of his childhood , driving him into unreasonable behaviour , and a tendency to see the worst in anyone who was a friend of Charles .
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