Example sentences of "[was/were] give [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Subjects were given varying amounts of contextual information .
2 Before the war , foods such as butter and cheese were given two layers of wrappers by the counter hand , but this was reduced to one under the restrictions .
3 Joxer Daly ( Paul Magee ) contributed an amusing foil to Boyle and both these actors were given well-deserved rounds of applause .
4 In the Gulf , in addition to the Kleenex , everywhere they went , no matter what time of day , they were given little cups of very strong coffee to drink .
5 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
6 This year , for the first time , many head teachers accompanied the governors on their fact finding mission and were given stirring messages of support by speaker after speaker .
7 To oversimplify : very young children of both sexes were given similar sets of building blocks with which they were asked to construct some sort of dwelling .
8 The effect of these was to transfer the common land to private ownership ; the dispossessed commoners were given small pockets of land or other compensation , but these were not necessarily equivalent to the rights they had lost .
9 However , it was a year of drought , and at the stud all the mares were given daily feeds of oats and hay to keep them in good condition ; but Minyip , due to long habit , refused to eat anything but the poorest hay .
10 Michelle Le-Neveu , Darlington co-ordinator of the appeal , said the team were given ten trolley-loads of tinned goods and basic medicine like aspirin .
11 A Section was made up of those who had passed the 2ème Bureau interview , and we were given red strips of cloth to wear on our epaulettes to show that we had passed our selection .
12 Yusef Salaam , 16 , Raymond Santana , 15 , and Antron McCray , 16 , the three youths convicted in August of participating in the rape and assault of a jogger in Central Park , New York City , were given maximum sentences of five to 10 years ' imprisonment on Sept. 11 .
13 We were given detailed programmes of work , which included visiting families and working alongside them so as to be able to understand their most pressing difficulties , We would hold discussions about national politics , to look at the lack of civil liberties and to examine how the system of exploitation divides one person from another .
14 The discredited test was used since the Seventies to identify impurities , and many owners were given clean bills of health on houses which subsequently were found to be contaminated and are now in danger of collapse .
15 Two weeks after their booster , nine were given intravenous injections of SIV .
16 ‘ Not in the conventional sense , but I was given moral codes of conduct to follow . ’
17 He saw the possibilities , contacted the manufacturers with the help of the BBC , and as a result was given two sets of the equipment .
18 In their places came a unified Ministry under the Secretary of State for Defence , who was given two Ministers of State with functional responsibilities to assist him .
19 Leslie , 29 , was given 13 pints of blood , said Nick Davies of the Royal Liverpool Hospital .
20 I had an alarming reading for an Agatha Christie film where I was given several sheets of script to sight read without any logical link up in the scenes being read and no-one to read with , except an office assistant who could n't read dialogue .
21 The subject was given ten questions of each type given below , five leading to a ‘ Yes ’ and five leading to a ‘ No ’ response .
22 Bott was given huge amounts of space on the inside pages of Ink in December 1971 and January 1972 to set out the scrambled views on life which he was culling from a variety of standard left-wing and anarchist gurus .
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