Example sentences of "[was/were] now [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Voters were now said to be more worried about ‘ poor public services ’ than they were about high taxes .
2 Vegetables were now beginning to be used as an integral part of the diet .
3 These representatives corresponded regularly and sometimes very frequently with the governments for which they acted ; from the early sixteenth century onwards their despatches and reports , preserved in the official archives which were now beginning to be formed , are one of the most important sources of information available to the historian .
4 The report said that , as a result of the disease 's spread in rural areas , one in 40 adult men and women in the area were now believed to be HIV carriers .
5 Faced , therefore , with the apparent metamorphosis of a colonial war and continuing French sacrifices for what were now declared to be American purposes , the US had succeeded in trapping itself .
6 For , as we have seen , intermixed with the foundations of perpetual prayers — which in the Act were now declared to be " superstitious " — were the educational foundations .
7 The Corridor through which Poland had access to the sea ran almost exactly through Pomerelia and the area occupied by the Kaszubes — who were now considered to be Polish .
8 In fact , the pop industry has always embodied what were now coming to be known as ‘ Thatcherite ’ values : highly competitive , determined by ‘ market forces ’ , with no grants , no subsidies , negligible government interference .
9 When the long-awaited Invasion finally started , we were sure that the lives which had been lost were now going to be partly justified , because the boot was definitely on the other foot and the Germans had had it .
10 His earlier much-fabled ‘ ruthless determination ’ and fanatical single-mindedness were now becoming to be regarded as a major liability , and the command to the 6th Army to fight to the last man was seen as its fateful demonstration .
11 He now declared the aim of the NSDAP to be simply the ‘ annihilation and extirpation of the Marxist world view ’ , and during 1923 , as the notion of a heroic , final struggle between two opposed Weltanschauungen seemed to grow in his mind , the Jews played a less overt role in Hitler 's public statements , whereas the sole , mortal enemy of the Nazi Movement was now proclaimed to be Marxism .
12 The original cause of disaffiliation , ILP control over its parliamentary group , was now proving to be disruptive to the Party .
13 But the shape , who was now revealed to be an amiable-looking man of about thirty , remained silent .
14 Although the girl 's sister Christie was now engaged to be married and their Uncle Nathan in Leeds had tried to persuade Sarah to take over as his housekeeper , Sarah had dug in her heels and refused the invitation .
15 Indeed , this version of English was now beginning to be justified at some provincial universities on grounds of the kind proposed by Reid .
16 This is , of course , titillating information for its readers , but we need to remember that this woman was now said to be happily married ; her child would now be aged 10 and could be quite aware of a trial which was getting widespread coverage in the popular newspapers .
17 Child-centred education , at least in the Primary schools , was now seen to be respectable .
18 THE £3 billion Channel Tunnel high-speed rail link and the £300 million Heathrow Express line are to go ahead , Chancellor Norman Lamont announced yesterday.But the future of the £1.7 billion cross-London rail link Crossrail appeared less certain with Mr Lamont saying the scheme was now going to be a joint venture between the public and private sectors.The much-delayed 68-mile Channel Tunnel fast link will not go into London 's King 's Cross station as British Rail hoped , but instead will terminate at neighbouring St Pancras — a less expensive option.But Mr Lamont did say that Government money would be put into the scheme which could be completed by the end of the decade.The 15-mile Paddington-Heathrow fast link — a joint venture between BR and airport operator BAA — will be started later this year and should be finished by the second half of 1997 .
19 Whereas in March 1989 a public-sector debt repayment ( PSDR ) of nearly £14,000 million in 1989-90 had been forecast [ see p. 36529 ] , this was now expected to be only just over £7,000 million , and a broadly similar PSDR of £6,900 million was currently projected for 1990-91 .
20 The trade surplus was now expected to be less than US$10,000 million for the year compared to $16,000 million for 1989 ( US$1.00=129.826 cruzeiros as at Nov. 29 , 1990 ) .
21 Namibia predicted that it would have to spend R19,000,000 ( about US$6,850,000 ) on maize imports as the commercial maize harvest , originally forecast to be a record 50,000 tonnes , was now expected to be only 5,000-10,000 tonnes .
22 The US position , with President Bush facing elections in November , was apparently influenced by growing domestic opposition to its policy of forcibly repatriating Haitian refugees [ see pp. 38905 ; 39046 ] , and US pressure was now expected to be increased on Aristide to recognize Bazin as Prime Minister [ see p. 38957 ] .
23 The new battalion of Fusiliers was now considered to be of fighting strength and was expected to join the Allies on the Western Front .
24 As they approached the gates , their guide continued talking , but his voice was now meant to be heard .
25 That the signing of Nafta was now thought to be unlikely until after the November 1992 US presidential elections was a serious political setback for Salinas , who had invested considerable political capital in reaching an accord .
26 Stalingrad was being interpreted as the consequence of what was now becoming to be widely viewed as Hitler 's catastrophic policy and leadership .
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