Example sentences of "[was/were] make of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first telephone boxes were designed by Sir Giles Scott in 1935 , they were made of cast iron .
2 Many of those plains were made of purest vitrodur , the inky armour-glass from which vast Sagramoso City — the ‘ black chandelier of the Imperium ’ — was largely carved .
3 The suspension ropes , of which there are four to each car , were made of good fishing line , as this was found to give the best results .
4 ‘ Filmophone ’ records were made of various colours of plastic , and had low surface-noise combined with great ruggedness ; but within a short time they warped so badly that they were unplayable .
5 The walls were made of stripped palm fronds , closely woven and tied with hemp to the wooden uprights .
6 Tights , which Jane had to pay for herself , were made of thickish cotton and fastened with a coin each side and taped .
7 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
8 The same sequences were used for each task and video-tapes were made of each sequence .
9 Most of their larger bombs were made of agricultural fertiliser ‘ mix ’ and similar substitutes .
10 Fifthly , regular reviews were made of outstanding warrants to see whether their continued operation was justified .
11 Cleo ran her hands through their manes and tails , which were made of real horsehair , exclaiming in wonder .
12 If the stripes ( which were made of black tape , stuck on a white surface ) could be felt by the moths , then the moths usually lined up correctly .
13 Early fountain pens were made of black rubber and were semi-disposable ; the Duofold was a bright reddish-orange colour , much larger than other contemporary pens and thus capable of holding more ink , guaranteed for twenty-five years — and nearly three times the price of an average pen .
14 Lamm argues that they were made of organic material , wood or bone , differences being introduced by the creation of a number of similar , but not identical , examples ( Lamm 1973 ; 1980 ; Lamm and Lundström 1976 ) .
15 In the years separating the two Great Wars women were made of sterner stuff .
16 The rebels on the bridge rapidly fell back but the troops manning the street barricades were made of sterner stuff and beat off Wills 's men , killing and wounding 76 for 42 casualties of their own .
17 The founders of the No More War Movement were made of sterner stuff , and preferred to follow Clifford Allen 's wartime advice that socialist pacifists should embrace the revolution and ‘ use our intelligence to restrain violence in the new revolutionary movement ’ .
18 This complex instrument with its finely cut teeth and intricate gearing was made of brass and was smaller than the clumsy early English clocks that were made of forged iron .
19 In Section 1.2 some critical comments were made of conventional systems analysis .
20 Those eyes were made of coloured glass .
21 Other floors were made of beaten earth , wooden boards or flag stones .
22 They had three plank solid backs , but the seats were made of thin laths set on edge and not quite touching , so that rain water could pass between them .
23 Then two 1-foot ( 30-cm ) tall stop-motion models were made of thin plastic on a metal framework , since the timetable demanded two simultaneous animation set-ups , using rear projection for economy .
24 During the third millennium BC most axes were made of unalloyed copper and few were of arsenical copper , but by the middle of the third millennium arsenical copper gradually supplanted copper and this , in turn , was replaced by tin bronze and also some leaded tin bronze .
25 A cost entry was made when materials were ordered , and updated at delivery , when the invoice was received , checked and then paid ; notes were made of any problems at each stage .
26 His legs were not simply dipped in molten lead ; they were made of molten lead .
27 The tea was hot , and the sandwiches , filled with sliced ham , were made of crusty bread , fresh that day .
28 However , they were made of lesser wood than the door .
29 Our bedroom curtains were made of brown hessian .
30 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
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